The Golden Harvest version of the Arturo Fuente cigar label.
A completely gold cigar label with ribbon impressions, detailed engravings, and minimal Victorian or...
The Carmita cigar label brand design, surrounded by golden leaves and flowers.https://digitalcommons...
The Carl Upmann cigar brand label, with two gryphons surrounding the brand emblem.https://digitalcom...
The Golden Harvest version of the Arturo Fuente cigar label.
A pastel colored cigar label with a golden crown and two gold trimmed shields.https://digitalcommons...
A gold trimmed and gold designed cigar label for the Cream of the Crop brand.https://digitalcommons....
oval ; nail tag label.
The Flor de Andres Diaz & Co. gold and red brand label.
A stylized label for Bertene Garcia Cigars.
An gold, oval cigar label.
A gold and white simplistic cigar brand design for the Flor De A. Allones label.https://digitalcommo...
A small La Concordia cigar label, including a tropical scene.
A completely gold cigar label with ribbon impressions, detailed engravings, and minimal Victorian or...
The Carmita cigar label brand design, surrounded by golden leaves and flowers.https://digitalcommons...
The Carl Upmann cigar brand label, with two gryphons surrounding the brand emblem.https://digitalcom...
The Golden Harvest version of the Arturo Fuente cigar label.
A pastel colored cigar label with a golden crown and two gold trimmed shields.https://digitalcommons...
A gold trimmed and gold designed cigar label for the Cream of the Crop brand.https://digitalcommons....
oval ; nail tag label.
The Flor de Andres Diaz & Co. gold and red brand label.
A stylized label for Bertene Garcia Cigars.
An gold, oval cigar label.
A gold and white simplistic cigar brand design for the Flor De A. Allones label.https://digitalcommo...
A small La Concordia cigar label, including a tropical scene.
A completely gold cigar label with ribbon impressions, detailed engravings, and minimal Victorian or...
The Carmita cigar label brand design, surrounded by golden leaves and flowers.https://digitalcommons...
The Carl Upmann cigar brand label, with two gryphons surrounding the brand emblem.https://digitalcom...