The Carl Upmann cigar brand label, with two gryphons surrounding the brand emblem.
The Edward Gibbon cigar brand label with gold trimming.
An gold, oval cigar label.
A stylized label for Bertene Garcia Cigars.
A pastel colored cigar label with a golden crown and two gold trimmed shields.https://digitalcommons...
The cigar brand name on a ribbon with shield emblems above and below it.https://digitalcommons.usf.e...
The brand emblem for the Captain Alvarez cigar.
The Ducal cigar brand emblem, with golden lions and a royal crown.
Two cigar labels, one an inner label and the other a front label.
Inner lid label.
The emblem for the California cigar brand label, with two gold unicorns.https://digitalcommons.usf.e...
The C. H. S. cigar label , including stylized flowers, ribbons, and dried tobacco.https://digitalcom...
A small Danny cigar brand label with a red and yellow emblem, along with water color-like designs su...
The Golden Harvest version of the Arturo Fuente cigar label.
A simple black and red designed cigar label.
The Castano cigar emblem.
The Edward Gibbon cigar brand label with gold trimming.
An gold, oval cigar label.
A stylized label for Bertene Garcia Cigars.
A pastel colored cigar label with a golden crown and two gold trimmed shields.https://digitalcommons...
The cigar brand name on a ribbon with shield emblems above and below it.https://digitalcommons.usf.e...
The brand emblem for the Captain Alvarez cigar.
The Ducal cigar brand emblem, with golden lions and a royal crown.
Two cigar labels, one an inner label and the other a front label.
Inner lid label.
The emblem for the California cigar brand label, with two gold unicorns.https://digitalcommons.usf.e...
The C. H. S. cigar label , including stylized flowers, ribbons, and dried tobacco.https://digitalcom...
A small Danny cigar brand label with a red and yellow emblem, along with water color-like designs su...
The Golden Harvest version of the Arturo Fuente cigar label.
A simple black and red designed cigar label.
The Castano cigar emblem.
The Edward Gibbon cigar brand label with gold trimming.
An gold, oval cigar label.
A stylized label for Bertene Garcia Cigars.