While relationship learning has been addressed in marketing theory, it has not yet been explored as a possible dimension of the second-order construct of relationship quality (RQ). This construct has so far been mostly conceptualized to consist of trust and commitment, sometimes also satisfaction; however, some see the latter more as a consequence of the former two. Additionally, while RQ and its multidimensionality have been researched in the marketing literature, this area has remained virtually unexplored in the supply and operations management literature. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the multidimensional nature of the second-order construct of RQ in a particular setting of transnational corporation (TNC) buyer-supplier relati...
The paper tackles the issues related to the quality of entrepreneurs’ knowledge, ways of ensuring co...
Tema ovog diplomskog rada je projektni marketing, a odnosi se na problematiku marketinga koja nije z...
We explore the relationship between the company’s size and measurable attributes of an employment ad...
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the manner in which trust and commitment impact relationship...
Uspešno upravljanje odnosima u kanalima marketinga, odnosno ostvarivanje neophodnog nivoa koordinaci...
Glavni rezultati istraživanja predstavljaju doprinos naučnoj literaturi koja izučava odnos između pr...
Purpose – This paper addresses the issues related to the practice of relationship marketing at the o...
While relationship learning has been addressed in marketing theory, it has not yet been explored as ...
Service quality is a key factor of the competitive capability of business consulting services provid...
Autori su u radu istražili utjecaj stupnja usvojenosti marketing koncepcije na profitabilnost poduze...
Upravljanje odnosima s dobavljačima predstavlja važan organizacijski proces. Za uspješnost poslovanj...
Uspješnost implementacije poslovne strategije ovisi o nizu različitih čimbenika, a osobito o čimbeni...
While relationship learning has been addressed in marketing theory, it has not yet been explored as ...
Cilj istraživanja je utvrditi postoji li pozitivna povezanost između: poduzetničke orijentacije i i...
Poslovna izvrsnost je postala najjače sredstvo postizanja konkurentske prednosti kompanija, a cjelov...
The paper tackles the issues related to the quality of entrepreneurs’ knowledge, ways of ensuring co...
Tema ovog diplomskog rada je projektni marketing, a odnosi se na problematiku marketinga koja nije z...
We explore the relationship between the company’s size and measurable attributes of an employment ad...
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the manner in which trust and commitment impact relationship...
Uspešno upravljanje odnosima u kanalima marketinga, odnosno ostvarivanje neophodnog nivoa koordinaci...
Glavni rezultati istraživanja predstavljaju doprinos naučnoj literaturi koja izučava odnos između pr...
Purpose – This paper addresses the issues related to the practice of relationship marketing at the o...
While relationship learning has been addressed in marketing theory, it has not yet been explored as ...
Service quality is a key factor of the competitive capability of business consulting services provid...
Autori su u radu istražili utjecaj stupnja usvojenosti marketing koncepcije na profitabilnost poduze...
Upravljanje odnosima s dobavljačima predstavlja važan organizacijski proces. Za uspješnost poslovanj...
Uspješnost implementacije poslovne strategije ovisi o nizu različitih čimbenika, a osobito o čimbeni...
While relationship learning has been addressed in marketing theory, it has not yet been explored as ...
Cilj istraživanja je utvrditi postoji li pozitivna povezanost između: poduzetničke orijentacije i i...
Poslovna izvrsnost je postala najjače sredstvo postizanja konkurentske prednosti kompanija, a cjelov...
The paper tackles the issues related to the quality of entrepreneurs’ knowledge, ways of ensuring co...
Tema ovog diplomskog rada je projektni marketing, a odnosi se na problematiku marketinga koja nije z...
We explore the relationship between the company’s size and measurable attributes of an employment ad...