Study comprised 60 crossbred gilts F1 (PLW x PL), 30 fattener gilts (A) and 30 littermate primiparous gilts (B). The fattening was conducted in standard condition from 30 to 108 kg body weight. The primiparous gilts were mated at second oestrus. During pregnancy and lactation period they were reared in standard condition adopted for pregnant and lactating sows. Fattener sows as well as primiparous sows were slaughtered after end of the experiment. Market carcass value was estimated on carcass jointing basis. It was assumed that market value is a function of percentage share of main parts in carcass and their unitary price (PLN/kg). Market carcass value of fattener sows and primiparous sows counted on 100 kg was comparable.Badaniami objęto 6...
Wprowadzenie: Do wzrostu występowania otyłości, szczególnie wśród dzieci, oprócz diety bogatej w prz...
To estimate the relationships between the H-FABP/HinfI genotype and quality of carcass and meat trai...
An analysis of the effect of milk urea and protein levels in four consecutive lactations on fertilit...
Study comprised 60 crossbred gilts F1 (PLW x PL), 30 fattener gilts (A) and 30 littermate primiparou...
The experiment was carried out on 110 3-breed crossbreds fatteners [♂ Pietrain x (♀ Polish Large Whi...
Experimental material consisted of 112 carcasses of crossbred fatteners (złp x dur) and 16 purebred ...
The subject of research were 40 gilts of Polish Large White breed, which were separatively kept and ...
Tło: Dowody użytku produktów kosmetycznych można znaleźć już w starożytnych Chinach i Egipcie, ale w...
Wydział PrzyrodniczyDoświadczenie założono na obiekcie doświadczalnym Katedry Łąkarstwa i Kształtowa...
The study included 60 finishers of the F1 crossbreds (Polish Large White x Polish Landrace), a half ...
The mean body weight of pheasant cocks (1226 g) and hens (946.9 g) receiving feed mixtures was lower...
W ostatnich dwudziestu latach rynek wieprzowiny w Stanach Zjednoczonych został poddany głębokim prze...
Three commercial lines of broiler chickens, Ross 308, Hubbard Flex and Hubbard F15 were investigated...
The aim of this study was to determine the diagnostic value of glycolityc and energetical quantities...
Mięso jest jednym z podstawowych produktów żywnościowych, który we współczesnych czasach wzbudza wie...
Wprowadzenie: Do wzrostu występowania otyłości, szczególnie wśród dzieci, oprócz diety bogatej w prz...
To estimate the relationships between the H-FABP/HinfI genotype and quality of carcass and meat trai...
An analysis of the effect of milk urea and protein levels in four consecutive lactations on fertilit...
Study comprised 60 crossbred gilts F1 (PLW x PL), 30 fattener gilts (A) and 30 littermate primiparou...
The experiment was carried out on 110 3-breed crossbreds fatteners [♂ Pietrain x (♀ Polish Large Whi...
Experimental material consisted of 112 carcasses of crossbred fatteners (złp x dur) and 16 purebred ...
The subject of research were 40 gilts of Polish Large White breed, which were separatively kept and ...
Tło: Dowody użytku produktów kosmetycznych można znaleźć już w starożytnych Chinach i Egipcie, ale w...
Wydział PrzyrodniczyDoświadczenie założono na obiekcie doświadczalnym Katedry Łąkarstwa i Kształtowa...
The study included 60 finishers of the F1 crossbreds (Polish Large White x Polish Landrace), a half ...
The mean body weight of pheasant cocks (1226 g) and hens (946.9 g) receiving feed mixtures was lower...
W ostatnich dwudziestu latach rynek wieprzowiny w Stanach Zjednoczonych został poddany głębokim prze...
Three commercial lines of broiler chickens, Ross 308, Hubbard Flex and Hubbard F15 were investigated...
The aim of this study was to determine the diagnostic value of glycolityc and energetical quantities...
Mięso jest jednym z podstawowych produktów żywnościowych, który we współczesnych czasach wzbudza wie...
Wprowadzenie: Do wzrostu występowania otyłości, szczególnie wśród dzieci, oprócz diety bogatej w prz...
To estimate the relationships between the H-FABP/HinfI genotype and quality of carcass and meat trai...
An analysis of the effect of milk urea and protein levels in four consecutive lactations on fertilit...