Pri utvrđivanju ciljeva i programa oplemenjivanja oplemenjivač se vrlo često susreće sa problemom izbora odgovarajućih roditelja, koji će svoja pozitivna svojstva u što većoj mjeri prenijeti na potomstvo. Posebno je važno koristiti genetski što divergentnije roditelje koji će međusobnim križanjem osigurati dovoljan kvantum genetske varijabilnosti i omogućiti izbor željenih genotipova. U ovom radu korištenjem DUS parametara utvrditi ćemo genetsku divergentnost roditelja u nekim kombinacijama križanja, divergentnost potomstava na osnovi komponenata uroda i kvalitete zrna i brašna, te istaknuti najperspektivnije linije dobivene iz ovih križanja.When selecting the goals and programs of improvement, the improver frequently faces the problem of s...
In 2008, the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad will celebrate its 70th anniversary....
Breeding of perennial legumes for many agronomic important traits like grain yield, persistence, lon...
Association analysis is a new approach in wheat genetic studies that enables a more successful imple...
Pri utvrđivanju ciljeva i programa oplemenjivanja oplemenjivač se vrlo često susreće sa problemom iz...
The development of new cultivars with high yield, better quality and high adaptability to different ...
Triticale is a hybrid plant species, a new botanical genus in the family Poaceae, created with the a...
Based on the obtained results it can be concluded that the analysis of variance showed highly signif...
The information on inter-relations of breeding material and genetic distinctness of available germpl...
Although alfalfa is the most important forage crop grown in the temperate regions, breeding improvem...
Morfološka svojstva klasa korištena su za utvrđivanje genetske različitosti 50 sorti heksaploidne oz...
Development of experimental hybrids of grain sorghum requires the selection of „per se“ superior par...
The aim of this study, on the grounds of direct and reciprocal diallel crossing of five inbred lines...
Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je procijeniti heterozis i heterobeltiozis za četiri komponente uroda zrn...
The choice of parental mating pairs is of a crucial importance in the breeding process. Obtaining a ...
Prinosi suhe tvari i bjelančevina važan su čimbenik u stvaranju novih kultivara krmnih kultura. Kroz...
In 2008, the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad will celebrate its 70th anniversary....
Breeding of perennial legumes for many agronomic important traits like grain yield, persistence, lon...
Association analysis is a new approach in wheat genetic studies that enables a more successful imple...
Pri utvrđivanju ciljeva i programa oplemenjivanja oplemenjivač se vrlo često susreće sa problemom iz...
The development of new cultivars with high yield, better quality and high adaptability to different ...
Triticale is a hybrid plant species, a new botanical genus in the family Poaceae, created with the a...
Based on the obtained results it can be concluded that the analysis of variance showed highly signif...
The information on inter-relations of breeding material and genetic distinctness of available germpl...
Although alfalfa is the most important forage crop grown in the temperate regions, breeding improvem...
Morfološka svojstva klasa korištena su za utvrđivanje genetske različitosti 50 sorti heksaploidne oz...
Development of experimental hybrids of grain sorghum requires the selection of „per se“ superior par...
The aim of this study, on the grounds of direct and reciprocal diallel crossing of five inbred lines...
Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je procijeniti heterozis i heterobeltiozis za četiri komponente uroda zrn...
The choice of parental mating pairs is of a crucial importance in the breeding process. Obtaining a ...
Prinosi suhe tvari i bjelančevina važan su čimbenik u stvaranju novih kultivara krmnih kultura. Kroz...
In 2008, the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad will celebrate its 70th anniversary....
Breeding of perennial legumes for many agronomic important traits like grain yield, persistence, lon...
Association analysis is a new approach in wheat genetic studies that enables a more successful imple...