Sari. Tulisan ini menguraikan induksi embrio somatik dan pertumbuhan planlet yang dihasilkan dari kultur jaringan daun Coffea arabica. Untuk pembentukan kalus, potongan jaringan daun ditanam pada medium Linsmaier dan Skoog dengan 3% sukrosa ditambah berbagai konsentrasi 2,4-asam diklorofenoksi asetat atau asam naftalen asetat dan kinetin. Delapan belas minggu setelah penanaman, kalus akan dibentuk pada medium Linsmaier dan Skoog dengan 2 pM 2,4-asam diklorofenoksi asetat dan 5-7 pM kinetin dan juga pada medium dengan 0,05 pM asam naftalen asetat dan 6-8 pM kinetin. Pembentukan embrio somatic diperoleh dengan pemotongan kalus pada medium padat Linsmaier dan Skoog dengan 3 pM sampai 35 pM kinetin dan 0,05 pM asam indole butirat dan juga dalam...
Plant tissue culture allows the clonal propagation of Coffea canephora on a large scale through soma...
Abstract. Ardiyani F, Utami ESW, Purnobasuki H, Paramita SA. 2020. Development and regeneration of s...
The effect of germination conditions on the morphology of #Coffea arabica# L. somatic embryos mass-p...
Sari. Tulisan ini menguraikan induksi embrio somatik dan pertumbuhan planlet yang dihasilkan dari ku...
One of the propagation technique for coffee plant production is tissue culture. Tissue culture techn...
Propagation of Coffea arabica L. through direct and indirect somatic embryogenesis technique is prom...
<p>Leaf explants were cultured in liquid medium using 5 μM of 6-benzyladenine. A. Leaf explants of <...
Most reliable and efficient protocol for Coffea arabica L. of Sigararutang variety plant regenerat...
Direct induction of somatic embryos in Arabica coffee (Coffea arabica L.) using plant groth regulato...
A protocol for Coffea arabica L. cvs. Caturra and Catuaí plant regeneration via indirect somatic emb...
Coffea arabica L. is a species of coffee that contribute for more than seventy percent of world coff...
Coffea arabica leaf explants cultured on medium with 5 /it & 6-benzyladenine (BA) as the sole pl...
One of factors that affects the success of a plant cultivation using somatic embryogenesis method is...
The primary and secondary somatic embryogenesis can be used to propagate Coffea arabica L clonally. ...
Somatic embryogenesis was induced in leaf explants of Coffea arabica ‘Catuai’. A two steps procedure...
Plant tissue culture allows the clonal propagation of Coffea canephora on a large scale through soma...
Abstract. Ardiyani F, Utami ESW, Purnobasuki H, Paramita SA. 2020. Development and regeneration of s...
The effect of germination conditions on the morphology of #Coffea arabica# L. somatic embryos mass-p...
Sari. Tulisan ini menguraikan induksi embrio somatik dan pertumbuhan planlet yang dihasilkan dari ku...
One of the propagation technique for coffee plant production is tissue culture. Tissue culture techn...
Propagation of Coffea arabica L. through direct and indirect somatic embryogenesis technique is prom...
<p>Leaf explants were cultured in liquid medium using 5 μM of 6-benzyladenine. A. Leaf explants of <...
Most reliable and efficient protocol for Coffea arabica L. of Sigararutang variety plant regenerat...
Direct induction of somatic embryos in Arabica coffee (Coffea arabica L.) using plant groth regulato...
A protocol for Coffea arabica L. cvs. Caturra and Catuaí plant regeneration via indirect somatic emb...
Coffea arabica L. is a species of coffee that contribute for more than seventy percent of world coff...
Coffea arabica leaf explants cultured on medium with 5 /it & 6-benzyladenine (BA) as the sole pl...
One of factors that affects the success of a plant cultivation using somatic embryogenesis method is...
The primary and secondary somatic embryogenesis can be used to propagate Coffea arabica L clonally. ...
Somatic embryogenesis was induced in leaf explants of Coffea arabica ‘Catuai’. A two steps procedure...
Plant tissue culture allows the clonal propagation of Coffea canephora on a large scale through soma...
Abstract. Ardiyani F, Utami ESW, Purnobasuki H, Paramita SA. 2020. Development and regeneration of s...
The effect of germination conditions on the morphology of #Coffea arabica# L. somatic embryos mass-p...