The aim of this paper is getting information about the structure and organization of attitudes of the Belgrade University Students towards people with intellectual disabilities (ID). The research is on the attitudes towards people with ID and their connection with individual characteristics such as gender, experience in work with people with ID, knowing the person who has a sort of disturbance and choosing the faculty. We used three scales of attitudes towards people with ID: scale of attitudes according to mental retardation and eugenica (AMRE, Antonak i sar., 1993), Inventory of attitudes towards mental retardation (MRAI, Antonak, Harth, 1994), Scale of attitudes towards life in a community (CLAS-MR, Henry, Keys, Jopp, Balkazar, 1996) dem...
The bachelor thesis deals with the topic of Public attitudes towards people with mental disorder. Th...
This paper deals with the social attitude towards persons with disabilities and the importance of th...
Zagadnienie niepełnosprawności intelektualnej, stanowi przedmiot zainteresowania naukowego wielu bad...
The attitudes of education and rehabilitation students towards people with intellectual disabilities...
Osobe s intelektualnim teškoćama okružene stigmom okoline bivaju socijalno isključene i ograničeno i...
Usprkos značajnim pomacima i uloženim naporima u svrhu postizanja normalizacije i bolje kvalitete ži...
Despite the fact that eugenic movement had great impact upon persons with intellectual disability, t...
Cilj istraživanja: Cilj je rada ispitati stavove zdravstvenih djelatnika prema osobama s mentalnim ...
Malo se zna o uticaju znanja o intelektualnoj ometeno- sti (IO) na stavove prema ovoj populaciji. C...
Cilj rada bio je provjeriti znanja i stavove studenata Veleučilišta u Bjelovaru o osobama s invalidi...
Cilj istraživanja: Ispitati stavove srednjoškolaca s obzirom na to koju školu pohađaju, razred, dob,...
Ovaj rad se bavi stavovima prema osobama s invaliditetom te pruža sustavni pregled literature i proš...
This study explores the attitudes of young adolescents towards their peers with intellectual disabil...
Završni rad napisan je u sklopu predmeta Zdravstvena njega osoba s invaliditetom. Tema rada su stavo...
Pojam invaliditet odnosi se na dugotrajna mentalna, tjelesna, intelektualna i osjetilna oštećenja ko...
The bachelor thesis deals with the topic of Public attitudes towards people with mental disorder. Th...
This paper deals with the social attitude towards persons with disabilities and the importance of th...
Zagadnienie niepełnosprawności intelektualnej, stanowi przedmiot zainteresowania naukowego wielu bad...
The attitudes of education and rehabilitation students towards people with intellectual disabilities...
Osobe s intelektualnim teškoćama okružene stigmom okoline bivaju socijalno isključene i ograničeno i...
Usprkos značajnim pomacima i uloženim naporima u svrhu postizanja normalizacije i bolje kvalitete ži...
Despite the fact that eugenic movement had great impact upon persons with intellectual disability, t...
Cilj istraživanja: Cilj je rada ispitati stavove zdravstvenih djelatnika prema osobama s mentalnim ...
Malo se zna o uticaju znanja o intelektualnoj ometeno- sti (IO) na stavove prema ovoj populaciji. C...
Cilj rada bio je provjeriti znanja i stavove studenata Veleučilišta u Bjelovaru o osobama s invalidi...
Cilj istraživanja: Ispitati stavove srednjoškolaca s obzirom na to koju školu pohađaju, razred, dob,...
Ovaj rad se bavi stavovima prema osobama s invaliditetom te pruža sustavni pregled literature i proš...
This study explores the attitudes of young adolescents towards their peers with intellectual disabil...
Završni rad napisan je u sklopu predmeta Zdravstvena njega osoba s invaliditetom. Tema rada su stavo...
Pojam invaliditet odnosi se na dugotrajna mentalna, tjelesna, intelektualna i osjetilna oštećenja ko...
The bachelor thesis deals with the topic of Public attitudes towards people with mental disorder. Th...
This paper deals with the social attitude towards persons with disabilities and the importance of th...
Zagadnienie niepełnosprawności intelektualnej, stanowi przedmiot zainteresowania naukowego wielu bad...