Analog floating-gate transistors enable complex analog processing to be implemented in VLSI circuits, but simulating these elements in a SPICE simulator is challenging. The difficulty is setting the initial voltage on the floating-gate to start the simulation, a lack of simple methodology to change the inputs to the transistor in response to the changing charge on the floating-gate, and transistor models that do not include the injection and tunneling phenomenon that change the stored parameter on a floating-gate transistor. Another challenge is embedding complex, sequentially-triggered events required to simulate programming of a floating-gate transistor. A co-simulation framework is used to combine a circuit simulator with a system simula...
A logic simulator can prove the correctness of a digital circuit if it can be shown that only circui...
The Field Programmable Gated Array (FPGA), digital system designs are prototyped and meant to be per...
This paper proposes a technique to build SPICE micromodels of integrated circuits in bipolar technol...
Analog floating-gate transistors enable complex analog processing to be implemented in VLSI circuits...
Floating-gate transistors have proven to be extremely useful devices in the development of analog sy...
The design and verification of a electronic circuit requires much expertise and intelligent tools an...
We propose an empirical simulation model for p-channel floating-gate MOS synapse transistors. Becaus...
Circuit simulation is seen by some people as a well established discipline, where there remains litt...
The complexity of today’s VLSI chip designs makes verification a necessary step before fabrication. ...
The increased integration and interaction of analog and digital components within a system has ampli...
In contrast to the large number of logic gates and storage circuits encountered in digital networks,...
A mixed-signal reconfigurable platform gives the designer the choice of implementing systems using t...
NOTE: Text or symbols not renderable in plain ASCII are indicated by [...]. Abstract is included in ...
Switch-level simulation has become an indispensable tool in the verification of large MOS circuits. ...
A new application of a circuit simulation program (SPICE) is presented. The static behaviour of a co...
A logic simulator can prove the correctness of a digital circuit if it can be shown that only circui...
The Field Programmable Gated Array (FPGA), digital system designs are prototyped and meant to be per...
This paper proposes a technique to build SPICE micromodels of integrated circuits in bipolar technol...
Analog floating-gate transistors enable complex analog processing to be implemented in VLSI circuits...
Floating-gate transistors have proven to be extremely useful devices in the development of analog sy...
The design and verification of a electronic circuit requires much expertise and intelligent tools an...
We propose an empirical simulation model for p-channel floating-gate MOS synapse transistors. Becaus...
Circuit simulation is seen by some people as a well established discipline, where there remains litt...
The complexity of today’s VLSI chip designs makes verification a necessary step before fabrication. ...
The increased integration and interaction of analog and digital components within a system has ampli...
In contrast to the large number of logic gates and storage circuits encountered in digital networks,...
A mixed-signal reconfigurable platform gives the designer the choice of implementing systems using t...
NOTE: Text or symbols not renderable in plain ASCII are indicated by [...]. Abstract is included in ...
Switch-level simulation has become an indispensable tool in the verification of large MOS circuits. ...
A new application of a circuit simulation program (SPICE) is presented. The static behaviour of a co...
A logic simulator can prove the correctness of a digital circuit if it can be shown that only circui...
The Field Programmable Gated Array (FPGA), digital system designs are prototyped and meant to be per...
This paper proposes a technique to build SPICE micromodels of integrated circuits in bipolar technol...