SkripsiinimembahastentangPengaruhStrategi Scaffolding terhadapHasilbelajarbahasaInggrissiswaKelas XI di Madrasah AliyahNurussa’adahTelukTigo.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif yang menggunakan metode penelitian eksperimen dandenganmenggunakandesainQuasi Eksperimental dengan bentuk posttest only control design. Sedangkan teknik sampling yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah simple random sampling.Untuk instrument pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan test pilihan ganda sebanyak 25 soal.Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di MadrsasahKelas XI di Madrasah Aliyah Nurussa’adah Teluk Tigo, Pada bulan Agustus-September 2019.Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa dari kelas XI A sebagai kelas kontrol yang berjumlah 28 orang dankelas XI B sebagai ...
The aims of this research is to find out the effect of scaffolding strategy on students‘ reading c...
Abstract: Scaffolding is a teaching learning strategy in which the teacher and learners engage in a...
Abstract: This paper reports a study which investigated the effect of scaffolding techniques on stu...
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah ada peran dalam penerapan Strategi Scaffol...
Berdasarkan studi pendahuluan penulis ditemukan bahwa siswa belum mampu memahami bacaan dalam buku ...
ABSTRACT Name : Ari Irawansyah Major : English Education Study Title : The Effect of Fix-Up S...
The study entitled “Scaffolding Strategy in Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension” was carried o...
This study was conducted based on the preliminary study in SMP ISLAM Duduksampeyan Gresik which show...
ABSTRAK Wati, Ni Wayan Siska. Student Registered Number. 2813133083. 2017. The Effectiveness of Usi...
This study aimed at examining the effectiveness of using scaffolding strategy on developing reading ...
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh teknik scaffolding terhadap pemahaman konse...
This research consists of two variables, namely the independent variable (Symmetrical Scaffolding St...
The study examined the effect of scaffolding instructional strategy on senior secondary school stude...
Penelitian ini dilakukan berdasarkan masalah siswa dalam pemahaman membaca. Peneliti merumuskan masa...
This study was conducted based on a thought that reading was a difficultly comprehensible subject. M...
The aims of this research is to find out the effect of scaffolding strategy on students‘ reading c...
Abstract: Scaffolding is a teaching learning strategy in which the teacher and learners engage in a...
Abstract: This paper reports a study which investigated the effect of scaffolding techniques on stu...
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah ada peran dalam penerapan Strategi Scaffol...
Berdasarkan studi pendahuluan penulis ditemukan bahwa siswa belum mampu memahami bacaan dalam buku ...
ABSTRACT Name : Ari Irawansyah Major : English Education Study Title : The Effect of Fix-Up S...
The study entitled “Scaffolding Strategy in Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension” was carried o...
This study was conducted based on the preliminary study in SMP ISLAM Duduksampeyan Gresik which show...
ABSTRAK Wati, Ni Wayan Siska. Student Registered Number. 2813133083. 2017. The Effectiveness of Usi...
This study aimed at examining the effectiveness of using scaffolding strategy on developing reading ...
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh teknik scaffolding terhadap pemahaman konse...
This research consists of two variables, namely the independent variable (Symmetrical Scaffolding St...
The study examined the effect of scaffolding instructional strategy on senior secondary school stude...
Penelitian ini dilakukan berdasarkan masalah siswa dalam pemahaman membaca. Peneliti merumuskan masa...
This study was conducted based on a thought that reading was a difficultly comprehensible subject. M...
The aims of this research is to find out the effect of scaffolding strategy on students‘ reading c...
Abstract: Scaffolding is a teaching learning strategy in which the teacher and learners engage in a...
Abstract: This paper reports a study which investigated the effect of scaffolding techniques on stu...