Penelitian dilaksanakan di Desa Bumi Beringin Kecamatan Luwuk Utara. Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah petani bawang merah yang termasuk dalam anggota kelompok tani. Data yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini terdiri atas data primer dan data sekunder. Hasil penelitian diperoleh rata–rata pendapatan yang diterima sebesar Rp. 2.921.260/MT yang diperoleh dari rata–rata penerimaan sebesar Rp.7.464.000/MT dan rata–rata biaya yang dikeluarkan sebesar Rp. 4.542.740/MT dan R/C Ratio sebesar 1,64 hal ini berarti usahatani bawang merah di Desa Bumi Beringin layak untuk diusahakan. Berdasarkan analisis bahwa indikator kelas belajar sebesar 88% dan indikator unit produksi sebesar 81% tergolong dalam kategori sangat setuju. Indikator wahana kerja sama s...
Pengolahan bawang merah menjadi bawang goreng dapat memperpanjang daya simpan produk dan jangkauan p...
Shallots are horticulture crops that are derived from vegetable commodities that have been intensive...
This study aims to determine how much the average income earned by farmers from shallot farming in L...
The research was conducted in the District Sanden Bantul and has a goal to determine: (1) the degree...
Onion Agriculture has benefited farmers, but the benefits are very small as compared with production...
Research on the empowerment of shallot farmers on family welfare aims to determine the empowerment o...
This study aims to analyze the level of efficiency and how much profit and the level of scale of oni...
The problem in this study is how the socio-economic conditions of the onion farming community in Lap...
AbstractThis research to determine differences income between shalot and leaf onion farmers in Toron...
The purpose of this study was to determine the role of Village government in implementing the progra...
AbstrackThe of this study is to determine the factors that affect the income of onion farming in the...
Shallots are one of the horticultural crops cultivated by the Pattunggalengan Farmer Groups in Bangg...
The purpose of this study was to analyze the income of onion farming, and analyze the factors that a...
The purpose of this study was to analyze the income of onion farming, and analyze the factors that a...
Onion Agriculture has benefited farmers, but the benefits are very small as compared with production...
Pengolahan bawang merah menjadi bawang goreng dapat memperpanjang daya simpan produk dan jangkauan p...
Shallots are horticulture crops that are derived from vegetable commodities that have been intensive...
This study aims to determine how much the average income earned by farmers from shallot farming in L...
The research was conducted in the District Sanden Bantul and has a goal to determine: (1) the degree...
Onion Agriculture has benefited farmers, but the benefits are very small as compared with production...
Research on the empowerment of shallot farmers on family welfare aims to determine the empowerment o...
This study aims to analyze the level of efficiency and how much profit and the level of scale of oni...
The problem in this study is how the socio-economic conditions of the onion farming community in Lap...
AbstractThis research to determine differences income between shalot and leaf onion farmers in Toron...
The purpose of this study was to determine the role of Village government in implementing the progra...
AbstrackThe of this study is to determine the factors that affect the income of onion farming in the...
Shallots are one of the horticultural crops cultivated by the Pattunggalengan Farmer Groups in Bangg...
The purpose of this study was to analyze the income of onion farming, and analyze the factors that a...
The purpose of this study was to analyze the income of onion farming, and analyze the factors that a...
Onion Agriculture has benefited farmers, but the benefits are very small as compared with production...
Pengolahan bawang merah menjadi bawang goreng dapat memperpanjang daya simpan produk dan jangkauan p...
Shallots are horticulture crops that are derived from vegetable commodities that have been intensive...
This study aims to determine how much the average income earned by farmers from shallot farming in L...