Māszinības (ar specializāciju Garīgās veselības aprūpes māsa)Veselības aprūpeNursing StudiesHealth CareDarbā tiek pētīts,- vai kritienu riska izvērtēšanas instruments- kritienu riska skala Morse Fall Scale-, būtu ieviešams kā rutīnas izvērtējums psihiatriskajā ārstniecības iestādē stacionēto pacientu ārstniecībā, lai noteiktu visu pilngadīgo pacientu kritienu riska esību, jo šobrīd ārstniecības iestādē, kurā tika veikts pētījums, kritienu risks tiek noteikts vienīgi pacientiem, kuri ir vecāki par 65 gadiem. Darba mērķis ir: 1) noteikt pacientu prognozējamo kritienu risku, izmantojot kritienu riska izvērtēšanas instrumentu- kritienu riska skalu Morse Fall Scale-, un tā iespējamo saistību ar pacientu vecumu ārstniecības iestādes pacientiem,...
AbstractFalls are frequent adverse hospital events and the second accidental cause of death worldwid...
Amaç: Çalışma, bir üniversite hastanesinde yatan hastaların düşme risklerinin belirlenmesi ve hastan...
The fall of hospitalized patients is a world reality and the most frequent adverse events in this en...
Māszinības (ar specializāciju Ķirurģiskās aprūpes māsa)Veselības aprūpeNursing StudiesHealth CareBak...
FizioterapijaVeselības aprūpePhysiotherapyHealth CarePētījuma nosaukums: Fizioterapeitu zināšanas pa...
Bu araştırma yaygın olarak kullanılan İtaki, Morse ve Hendrich II Düşme Riski Değerlendirme Ölçekle...
Tanımlayıcı olarak planlanan araştırma Kırklareli ilinde bulunan devlet hastanelerinde düşme riskin...
Examensarbetets syfte är att lyfta fram vårdpersonalens åsikter om hur man på en hälsovårdscentrals ...
Fall risk assessment is a systematic evaluation process used to identify individuals who are at a hi...
The topicof this work is prevention of patient falls in medical centers focused on risk...
Background: Fall injuries are a costly problem for society, with costs ranging up to 14 billion a ye...
Käesoleva magistritöö eesmärk on eelmise aasta riskipatsientide raviarvete andmeid kasutades prognoo...
AbstractFalls are common adverse hospital events. In the first phase of the research project: “Clini...
Falls are frequent adverse hospital events and the second accidental cause of death worldwide. In pr...
Falls are common adverse hospital events. In the first phase of the research project: “Clinical Supe...
AbstractFalls are frequent adverse hospital events and the second accidental cause of death worldwid...
Amaç: Çalışma, bir üniversite hastanesinde yatan hastaların düşme risklerinin belirlenmesi ve hastan...
The fall of hospitalized patients is a world reality and the most frequent adverse events in this en...
Māszinības (ar specializāciju Ķirurģiskās aprūpes māsa)Veselības aprūpeNursing StudiesHealth CareBak...
FizioterapijaVeselības aprūpePhysiotherapyHealth CarePētījuma nosaukums: Fizioterapeitu zināšanas pa...
Bu araştırma yaygın olarak kullanılan İtaki, Morse ve Hendrich II Düşme Riski Değerlendirme Ölçekle...
Tanımlayıcı olarak planlanan araştırma Kırklareli ilinde bulunan devlet hastanelerinde düşme riskin...
Examensarbetets syfte är att lyfta fram vårdpersonalens åsikter om hur man på en hälsovårdscentrals ...
Fall risk assessment is a systematic evaluation process used to identify individuals who are at a hi...
The topicof this work is prevention of patient falls in medical centers focused on risk...
Background: Fall injuries are a costly problem for society, with costs ranging up to 14 billion a ye...
Käesoleva magistritöö eesmärk on eelmise aasta riskipatsientide raviarvete andmeid kasutades prognoo...
AbstractFalls are common adverse hospital events. In the first phase of the research project: “Clini...
Falls are frequent adverse hospital events and the second accidental cause of death worldwide. In pr...
Falls are common adverse hospital events. In the first phase of the research project: “Clinical Supe...
AbstractFalls are frequent adverse hospital events and the second accidental cause of death worldwid...
Amaç: Çalışma, bir üniversite hastanesinde yatan hastaların düşme risklerinin belirlenmesi ve hastan...
The fall of hospitalized patients is a world reality and the most frequent adverse events in this en...