Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apa yang menjadi kendala pemerintahdalam pengelolaan limbah medis Covid-19 melalui kearifan local dan untuk mengetahuiupaya-upaya apa saja yang harus dilakukan oleh pemerintah dalam rangka pengelolaanlimbah medis Covid 19 melalui kaerifan local. metode studi literatur dengan menelaahsumber-sumber referensi sebagai data sekunder tentang kearifan local dalam pengelolaanlimbah medis Covid 19. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa di lapanagan masih terdapatkendala dalam pengelolaan limbah medis COVID-19 melalui kearifan local. Berdasarkanhal tersebut maka harus ada upaya yang harus dilakukan oleh pemerintah dalam rangkapengelolaan limbah medis COVID-19 yaitu mengakomodirnya dalam peraturan daerah danme...
ABSTRACTCorona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) is a virus that has not yet recognize. In a short time,...
AbstrakMengingat pentingnya pengelolaan limbah padat rumah sakit (RS) pada masa pandemi Covid-19, ma...
Medical solid waste is generated directly from the actions that are taken on patients such as dire...
Indonesia reports an increase in the number of COVID-19 cases every day. As of December 20, 2020, co...
Limbah infeksius Covid-19 yang tidak ditangani dengan benar dikhawatirkan menjadi sumber penularan b...
Introduction; COVID-19 has an impact on various fields including the environment and waste managemen...
It has been one year that the Covid-19 pandemic that is happening around the world, especially in I...
Covid-19 medical waste is leftover material from activities that is not reused and has the potenti...
Corona Virus Diseases (COVID-19) has become an epidemic in Indonesia, and has even become a global p...
Meningkatnya kasus COVID-19 menyebabkan semakin banyak jumlah pasien COVID-19 yang melakukan isolasi...
The state of the Covid-19 pandemic that has made all elements truly a very heavy and serious challen...
Data di Rumah Sakit Palang Merah Indonesia (RS PMI) Bogor menunjukkan jika volume limbah medis menin...
AbstractThis study aims to know the protection of health law in accelerated management of the covid ...
ABSTRAKRumah Sakit Umum Daerah X merupakan rumah sakit dan rujukan terbesar bagi pasien Covid-19 di ...
Limbah adalah sisa atau produk dari suatu proses usaha atau kegiatan yang terbuang dan tidak terpaka...
ABSTRACTCorona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) is a virus that has not yet recognize. In a short time,...
AbstrakMengingat pentingnya pengelolaan limbah padat rumah sakit (RS) pada masa pandemi Covid-19, ma...
Medical solid waste is generated directly from the actions that are taken on patients such as dire...
Indonesia reports an increase in the number of COVID-19 cases every day. As of December 20, 2020, co...
Limbah infeksius Covid-19 yang tidak ditangani dengan benar dikhawatirkan menjadi sumber penularan b...
Introduction; COVID-19 has an impact on various fields including the environment and waste managemen...
It has been one year that the Covid-19 pandemic that is happening around the world, especially in I...
Covid-19 medical waste is leftover material from activities that is not reused and has the potenti...
Corona Virus Diseases (COVID-19) has become an epidemic in Indonesia, and has even become a global p...
Meningkatnya kasus COVID-19 menyebabkan semakin banyak jumlah pasien COVID-19 yang melakukan isolasi...
The state of the Covid-19 pandemic that has made all elements truly a very heavy and serious challen...
Data di Rumah Sakit Palang Merah Indonesia (RS PMI) Bogor menunjukkan jika volume limbah medis menin...
AbstractThis study aims to know the protection of health law in accelerated management of the covid ...
ABSTRAKRumah Sakit Umum Daerah X merupakan rumah sakit dan rujukan terbesar bagi pasien Covid-19 di ...
Limbah adalah sisa atau produk dari suatu proses usaha atau kegiatan yang terbuang dan tidak terpaka...
ABSTRACTCorona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) is a virus that has not yet recognize. In a short time,...
AbstrakMengingat pentingnya pengelolaan limbah padat rumah sakit (RS) pada masa pandemi Covid-19, ma...
Medical solid waste is generated directly from the actions that are taken on patients such as dire...