We provide a new text corpus from the social medium Telegram, which is rich in indirect forms of divisive speech. We scraped all messages from one channel of Donald Trump supporters, covering a large part of his presidency, from late 2016 until January 2021, including the January 6 Capitol riot. The discussion among the group members, over this long time period, includes the spread of disinformation, disparaging of out-group members, and other forms of harmful speech. To enable research into the role of harmful speech in political discourse, we added two types of annotations to the corpus: (i) automatic annotations of offensive language for all messages, and (ii) our own manual annotations of harmful language for a portion of the posts lead...
As research on hate speech becomes more and more relevant every day, most of it is still focused on ...
The detection of hate speech in social media is a crucial task. The uncontrolled spread of hate has ...
As social media increases in popularity, its ability to create culturally meaningful tools grows as ...
We provide a new text corpus from the social medium Telegram, which is rich in indirect forms of div...
Harmful language is frequent in social media, in particular in spaces which are considered anonymous...
As research on hate speech becomes more and more relevant every day, most of it is still focused on ...
This dataset accompanies a paper submitted to the WebSci 20 conference. In this paper, we present a ...
The increasing importance of social media to political communication means the study of government-s...
Hate speech consists of types of content (e.g. text, audio, image) that express derogatory sentiment...
The HateBR dataset was collected from the comment section of Brazilian politicians’ accounts on Inst...
We have developed a system that automatically detects online jihadist hate speech with over 80% accu...
The idea for this study came about after the events of January 6, 2021 and the storming of the Capit...
This paper presents a novel scheme for the annotation of hate speech in corpora of Web 2.0 commentar...
Hate speech in the form of racist and sexist remarks are a common occurrence on social media. For th...
A key challenge for automatic hate-speech detection on social media is the separation of hate speech...
As research on hate speech becomes more and more relevant every day, most of it is still focused on ...
The detection of hate speech in social media is a crucial task. The uncontrolled spread of hate has ...
As social media increases in popularity, its ability to create culturally meaningful tools grows as ...
We provide a new text corpus from the social medium Telegram, which is rich in indirect forms of div...
Harmful language is frequent in social media, in particular in spaces which are considered anonymous...
As research on hate speech becomes more and more relevant every day, most of it is still focused on ...
This dataset accompanies a paper submitted to the WebSci 20 conference. In this paper, we present a ...
The increasing importance of social media to political communication means the study of government-s...
Hate speech consists of types of content (e.g. text, audio, image) that express derogatory sentiment...
The HateBR dataset was collected from the comment section of Brazilian politicians’ accounts on Inst...
We have developed a system that automatically detects online jihadist hate speech with over 80% accu...
The idea for this study came about after the events of January 6, 2021 and the storming of the Capit...
This paper presents a novel scheme for the annotation of hate speech in corpora of Web 2.0 commentar...
Hate speech in the form of racist and sexist remarks are a common occurrence on social media. For th...
A key challenge for automatic hate-speech detection on social media is the separation of hate speech...
As research on hate speech becomes more and more relevant every day, most of it is still focused on ...
The detection of hate speech in social media is a crucial task. The uncontrolled spread of hate has ...
As social media increases in popularity, its ability to create culturally meaningful tools grows as ...