We provide a new text corpus from the social medium Telegram, which is rich in indirect forms of divisive speech. We scraped all messages from one channel of supporters of Donald Trump, covering a large part of his presidency from late 2016 until January 2021. The discussion among the group members over this long time period includes the spread of disinformation, disparaging of out-group members, and other forms of offensive speech. To encourage research into such practices of poisoning public political discourse, we added automatic annotations of offensive language to all messages. We further added manual annotations of harmful language to a portion of the posts in order to enable the analysis of more implicit forms of online harm
As research on hate speech becomes more and more relevant every day, most of it is still focused on ...
In the past decade, usage of social media platforms has increased significantly. People use these pl...
This dataset accompanies a paper submitted to the WebSci 20 conference. In this paper, we present a ...
We provide a new text corpus from the social medium Telegram, which is rich in indirect forms of div...
Harmful and dangerous language is frequent in social media, in particular in spaces which are consid...
Hate speech consists of types of content (e.g. text, audio, image) that express derogatory sentiment...
The proliferation of social media platforms changed the way people interact online. However, engagem...
[EN] This article proposes an approach to solving the problem of multiclassification within the fram...
Well-annotated data is a prerequisite for good Natural Language Processing models. Too often, though...
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computationa...
The detection of hate speech in social media is a crucial task. The uncontrolled spread of hate has ...
Social media has changed the world and play an important role in people lives. Social media platform...
As research on hate speech becomes more and more relevant every day, most of it is still focused on ...
Abusive speech in social media, including profanities, derogatory and hate speech, has reached the l...
The proliferation of misinformation groups and users on social networks has illustrated the need for...
As research on hate speech becomes more and more relevant every day, most of it is still focused on ...
In the past decade, usage of social media platforms has increased significantly. People use these pl...
This dataset accompanies a paper submitted to the WebSci 20 conference. In this paper, we present a ...
We provide a new text corpus from the social medium Telegram, which is rich in indirect forms of div...
Harmful and dangerous language is frequent in social media, in particular in spaces which are consid...
Hate speech consists of types of content (e.g. text, audio, image) that express derogatory sentiment...
The proliferation of social media platforms changed the way people interact online. However, engagem...
[EN] This article proposes an approach to solving the problem of multiclassification within the fram...
Well-annotated data is a prerequisite for good Natural Language Processing models. Too often, though...
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computationa...
The detection of hate speech in social media is a crucial task. The uncontrolled spread of hate has ...
Social media has changed the world and play an important role in people lives. Social media platform...
As research on hate speech becomes more and more relevant every day, most of it is still focused on ...
Abusive speech in social media, including profanities, derogatory and hate speech, has reached the l...
The proliferation of misinformation groups and users on social networks has illustrated the need for...
As research on hate speech becomes more and more relevant every day, most of it is still focused on ...
In the past decade, usage of social media platforms has increased significantly. People use these pl...
This dataset accompanies a paper submitted to the WebSci 20 conference. In this paper, we present a ...