The Norwegian high-school drama series Skam is produced and published by the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation, a publicly funded institution distinguished by an explicit obligation to the public interest, not only serving their audience as consumers but even as citizens. Generally, the normativity expressed in Skam may be summarized by treating all with respect, involving not only moral considerations of what is right, but also ethical conceptions of what is good, offered, opened up and obstructed by the living social order established there. In season three, given attention here, the plot revolves around issues concerning same-sex relationships, mental disorder and religion. Here Skam becomes interesting for the field of moral education,...
In this book a theoretical model of morality is presented, outlining moral collectives originally ga...
This dissertation analyzes the work on universal morality by the Swiss theologian Hans Küng. Accordi...
The thesis has examined the impact of change on the traditional social ethics in Tiv society. It has...
During the last few centuries the way morality is understood has changed radically. In early moderni...
The paper discusses Kohlberg’s view of moral education, how it was developing and changing over time...
The goal for this study has been to examine how sexual interactions are portrayed in the norwegian W...
The bulk of the literature on the New Public Management (NPM) has been blind to the moral dimension ...
In recent years, many programs and manuals for ‘norm criticism´ have been produced for schools in Sw...
Moral education is a hot topic in Swedish school discourse. Some critics mean that some fundamental ...
Cultural anthropologists have noted that humanity’s moral thinking seem to follow certain patterns, ...
This dissertation is a study of the intense debate over video violence in Sweden, triggered by a tel...
This thesis presents the results of a research project focusing on the role of verbal tools in moral...
Ethics education (ED) is a significant part of the curriculum for religious education (RE) in Sweden...
In Scandinavia, religious schools are both rarer and more controversial than in many other European ...
In most Western countries, a compulsory education system plays a key role in societal integration. T...
In this book a theoretical model of morality is presented, outlining moral collectives originally ga...
This dissertation analyzes the work on universal morality by the Swiss theologian Hans Küng. Accordi...
The thesis has examined the impact of change on the traditional social ethics in Tiv society. It has...
During the last few centuries the way morality is understood has changed radically. In early moderni...
The paper discusses Kohlberg’s view of moral education, how it was developing and changing over time...
The goal for this study has been to examine how sexual interactions are portrayed in the norwegian W...
The bulk of the literature on the New Public Management (NPM) has been blind to the moral dimension ...
In recent years, many programs and manuals for ‘norm criticism´ have been produced for schools in Sw...
Moral education is a hot topic in Swedish school discourse. Some critics mean that some fundamental ...
Cultural anthropologists have noted that humanity’s moral thinking seem to follow certain patterns, ...
This dissertation is a study of the intense debate over video violence in Sweden, triggered by a tel...
This thesis presents the results of a research project focusing on the role of verbal tools in moral...
Ethics education (ED) is a significant part of the curriculum for religious education (RE) in Sweden...
In Scandinavia, religious schools are both rarer and more controversial than in many other European ...
In most Western countries, a compulsory education system plays a key role in societal integration. T...
In this book a theoretical model of morality is presented, outlining moral collectives originally ga...
This dissertation analyzes the work on universal morality by the Swiss theologian Hans Küng. Accordi...
The thesis has examined the impact of change on the traditional social ethics in Tiv society. It has...