Deixis is defined as a demonstrative pronoun that is used to designate a person, place, and time. The use of deixis is commonly found in the Sasak language of the meriaq-meriku dialect in the community of Penujak village in greetings. This research aims to describe the deixis of the Sasak language of meriaq-meriku dialect in the community of Penujak village. The data of this research are speech descriptions that have been transcribed in the form of speech by speakers and interlocutors. The data were obtained from the community that owns and uses the Sasak language of the meriaq-meriqu dialect, namely Penujak village, Praya Barat sub-district, Central Lombok District. The data were collected using the technique of engaging and speaking witho...
Over eighty deixis for Minangkabau women. These words is spread on a shole variety of Minangkabau sp...
Abstract This research aims to determine the use of form semantic deixis that contained in Siluet Ji...
This research will discuss about three research problems namely (1) what are the forms of person dei...
Deixis is defined as a demonstrative pronoun that is used to designate a person, place, and time. Th...
Deiksis dalam Bahasa Ngaju. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif, suatu metode ya...
This research has three objectives, namely to describe the form of the person deixis, the form of th...
Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan bentuk serta makna deiksis persona, tempat, dan wa...
Tujuan penelitian ini mendeskripsikan bentuk deiksis persona, tempat dan waktu Bahasa Melayu Dialek ...
AbstractResearch on deixis in oral folklore on the Benaeh Dayak community s on the descriptive of th...
Deixis benar-benar diperlukan untuk menunjukkan referensi penting dari teks. Ketentuan Deixis pentin...
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan konteks dan tujuan penggunaan deiksis persona yang terda...
This study about the use of deixis in writing news texts written by students of class VIII that aims...
Deiksis melibatkan hubungan antara struktur bahasa dengan konteks bahasa yang diujarkan (Huang, 2007...
This study aims to describe the used deixis in Marind language. This research was done in Merauke. T...
AbstractThe purpose of this study was to describe the form and meaning of persona, place and time de...
Over eighty deixis for Minangkabau women. These words is spread on a shole variety of Minangkabau sp...
Abstract This research aims to determine the use of form semantic deixis that contained in Siluet Ji...
This research will discuss about three research problems namely (1) what are the forms of person dei...
Deixis is defined as a demonstrative pronoun that is used to designate a person, place, and time. Th...
Deiksis dalam Bahasa Ngaju. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif, suatu metode ya...
This research has three objectives, namely to describe the form of the person deixis, the form of th...
Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan bentuk serta makna deiksis persona, tempat, dan wa...
Tujuan penelitian ini mendeskripsikan bentuk deiksis persona, tempat dan waktu Bahasa Melayu Dialek ...
AbstractResearch on deixis in oral folklore on the Benaeh Dayak community s on the descriptive of th...
Deixis benar-benar diperlukan untuk menunjukkan referensi penting dari teks. Ketentuan Deixis pentin...
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan konteks dan tujuan penggunaan deiksis persona yang terda...
This study about the use of deixis in writing news texts written by students of class VIII that aims...
Deiksis melibatkan hubungan antara struktur bahasa dengan konteks bahasa yang diujarkan (Huang, 2007...
This study aims to describe the used deixis in Marind language. This research was done in Merauke. T...
AbstractThe purpose of this study was to describe the form and meaning of persona, place and time de...
Over eighty deixis for Minangkabau women. These words is spread on a shole variety of Minangkabau sp...
Abstract This research aims to determine the use of form semantic deixis that contained in Siluet Ji...
This research will discuss about three research problems namely (1) what are the forms of person dei...