327 LEXINGTON AVENUENEW YORKFebruary 5. 1914.Dear Muir:I thank you heartily for your lovely letter just received.I\u27m sorry you\u27ve been ill, and I cant bear to think of you all alone in that big house when you are not well. But its good news that you are better.We are going to have a fine meeting of the Academy here November 18 - 21 next. I hope you can come to it.Col. Harvey prints in the February N. A. Review the Phelan side of the Hetch Hetchy controversy. I\u27ve told him he didn\u27t know what05700 he was talking about: Hetch Hetchy 30 miles from Yosemite! the bill passed unanimously by the House! etc. I broke my rule and wrote him a (private) letter about the article & referred him to my reply to Pinchot. I\u27ll bet he didn\u27t...