AbstractThis thesis entitled "Impact Use of Smartphones In Class XI Student Behaviors MA AL-Ikhlas in Kuala Mandor B". A common problem in this research is "How Impact Use of Smartphones In Class XI Student Behaviors MA Al-Ikhlas in Kuala Mandor B?". The general objective of this research is "Knowing the impact of the use of samrtphone in class XI student behavior MA Al-Ikhlas in Kuala Mandor B". The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach with deskripstif method. Data collection techniques used were observation, interview, and documentation. The informants in this study were teachers and students in grade XI MA Al-Ikhlas in Kuala Mandor B. These results indicate that the impact of the use of smartphones in class XI student be...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui 1. Untuk mengetahui gambaran perubahan perilaku sosial sis...
This study aims to determine what are the impacts of smartphone use on student learning outcomes at ...
Smartphone is a new media in today's communication process. Not only used as a communication process...
This study aims to look at the use of smartphones among students. As forthe principal problems in th...
AbstractThis research aimed to determine how the use of smartphones affected the learning outcomes o...
The era of Technology and Information which is now completely practical and fast certainly makes man...
Most Marketing Communication students are smartphone users. The students, either consciously or not,...
This research entitled “Dampak Penggunaan Smartphone dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris (Persepsi Mah...
AbstractThis study aims to determine whether or at least the influence of smartphone use on learnin...
Advances in technology are now starting to lead to mobile-based technologies. Thus, the use of smart...
The purpose of this study was to determine and to describe the use of smartphones as an independent ...
The smartphone is a smartphone that not only functions as a communication tool but has various funct...
Introduction: Smartphone is currently a tool for communications that is widely used by all people, e...
This research aimed to identify and know the pattern of smartphone USAge among university students a...
The use of smartphones today is no longer a style of life but has become a necessity for this digita...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui 1. Untuk mengetahui gambaran perubahan perilaku sosial sis...
This study aims to determine what are the impacts of smartphone use on student learning outcomes at ...
Smartphone is a new media in today's communication process. Not only used as a communication process...
This study aims to look at the use of smartphones among students. As forthe principal problems in th...
AbstractThis research aimed to determine how the use of smartphones affected the learning outcomes o...
The era of Technology and Information which is now completely practical and fast certainly makes man...
Most Marketing Communication students are smartphone users. The students, either consciously or not,...
This research entitled “Dampak Penggunaan Smartphone dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris (Persepsi Mah...
AbstractThis study aims to determine whether or at least the influence of smartphone use on learnin...
Advances in technology are now starting to lead to mobile-based technologies. Thus, the use of smart...
The purpose of this study was to determine and to describe the use of smartphones as an independent ...
The smartphone is a smartphone that not only functions as a communication tool but has various funct...
Introduction: Smartphone is currently a tool for communications that is widely used by all people, e...
This research aimed to identify and know the pattern of smartphone USAge among university students a...
The use of smartphones today is no longer a style of life but has become a necessity for this digita...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui 1. Untuk mengetahui gambaran perubahan perilaku sosial sis...
This study aims to determine what are the impacts of smartphone use on student learning outcomes at ...
Smartphone is a new media in today's communication process. Not only used as a communication process...