В статье рассматривается образ дракона в китайской культуре, а также его эволюция в духовной жизни. В частности, отмечается влияние буддизма на усложнение образа дракона. А также связь культа дракона и обрядов представителей китайского этноса.The article examines the image of the dragon in Chinese culture, as well as its evolution in spiritual life. In particular, the influence of Buddhism on the complexity of the image of the dragon is noted. As well as the connection of the dragon cult and the rites of representatives of the Chinese ethnic group.57-6
The Chinese long dragon has a long serpentine body, covered with scales, wingless but capable of fli...
„Ķīniešu mitoloģijas problemātika, galvenie tēli un simboli” ir bakalaura darbs, kurš sastāv no če...
В статье рассматривается образ дракона в различных пластах китайской культуры: в мифологии, фольклор...
The article investigates the symbolism of the dragon in the Chinese worldview. The author considers ...
Smoki niemal od początków ludzkości towarzyszyły człowiekowi, pojawiając się wlegendach i baśniach. ...
This large eggshell-thin bowl with a footring is glazed in monochrome greenish white. Its exterior i...
Šī bakalaura darba nosaukums ir “Pūķa tēla nozīme Dienvidkorejas kultūrā”. Tajā ir izpētīta un apska...
This is a small eggshell-thin bowl with a footring in a white glaze. The exterior of this bowl is pl...
Dissertação de mestrado em Estudos Interculturais Português / Chinês: Tradução, Formação e Comunicaç...
The image of the fish turning into a dragon is represented on the roof line and gate openings of the...
Monsters are a universal phenomenon in human cultures, signifying the human social memory of predato...
The Chinese long dragon has a long serpentine body, covered with scales, wingless but capable of fli...
„Ķīniešu mitoloģijas problemātika, galvenie tēli un simboli” ir bakalaura darbs, kurš sastāv no če...
В статье рассматривается образ дракона в различных пластах китайской культуры: в мифологии, фольклор...
The article investigates the symbolism of the dragon in the Chinese worldview. The author considers ...
Smoki niemal od początków ludzkości towarzyszyły człowiekowi, pojawiając się wlegendach i baśniach. ...
This large eggshell-thin bowl with a footring is glazed in monochrome greenish white. Its exterior i...
Šī bakalaura darba nosaukums ir “Pūķa tēla nozīme Dienvidkorejas kultūrā”. Tajā ir izpētīta un apska...
This is a small eggshell-thin bowl with a footring in a white glaze. The exterior of this bowl is pl...
Dissertação de mestrado em Estudos Interculturais Português / Chinês: Tradução, Formação e Comunicaç...
The image of the fish turning into a dragon is represented on the roof line and gate openings of the...
Monsters are a universal phenomenon in human cultures, signifying the human social memory of predato...
The Chinese long dragon has a long serpentine body, covered with scales, wingless but capable of fli...
„Ķīniešu mitoloģijas problemātika, galvenie tēli un simboli” ir bakalaura darbs, kurš sastāv no če...