There is a highly-increasing demand for the DC power transmission and distribution in modern power systems for the integration of newly-installed renewable energy resources and storage systems to the existing utilities. Application of DC power systems in electric ships, battery energy devices, high-voltage DC networks, smart grids, electric vehicles, microgrids, and wind farms is a recent trend that is being highly investigated. The fault protection of DC systems is an essential but challenging issue that needs careful attention to maintain system operation reliability and device safety. In this research, the specification, control, and application of Z-source breakers (ZCBs) are investigated for DC network protection. Initially, the power ...
This paper investigates DC network partition and alternative DC fault protection strategy for Multi-...
Strathclyde theses - ask staff. Thesis no. : T13479The use of DC for primary power distribution has ...
CIVINS (Civilian Institutions) Thesis documentNew power system components and controls are needed to...
There is a highly-increasing demand for the DC power transmission and distribution in modern power s...
High impedance faults (HIFs) that cause a relatively smaller current magnitude compared to the tradi...
Direct current (DC)-nature distributed energy resources like solar and fuel cells are emerging in el...
DC technologies will be essential building blocks for future dc distribution networks. As in any dc ...
The work presented in this thesis includes recent developments and designs for the novel Z-source dc...
This paper introduces groundbreaking research on how to assess the Cable Length Limit (CLL) to ensur...
The integration of distributed generation such as renewable energy at the distribution is considered...
DC faults may cause severe disruptions in continuity of service to vital loads in a shipboard integr...
High-voltage direct-current (HVDC) rated at 270 Vdc is one of the main power supply technologies exp...
High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) systems are now well-integrated into AC systems in many jurisdict...
A coupled-inductor-based bidirectional Z-source breaker topology is introduced in this paper, which ...
Thesis: Nav. E., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 2019Th...
This paper investigates DC network partition and alternative DC fault protection strategy for Multi-...
Strathclyde theses - ask staff. Thesis no. : T13479The use of DC for primary power distribution has ...
CIVINS (Civilian Institutions) Thesis documentNew power system components and controls are needed to...
There is a highly-increasing demand for the DC power transmission and distribution in modern power s...
High impedance faults (HIFs) that cause a relatively smaller current magnitude compared to the tradi...
Direct current (DC)-nature distributed energy resources like solar and fuel cells are emerging in el...
DC technologies will be essential building blocks for future dc distribution networks. As in any dc ...
The work presented in this thesis includes recent developments and designs for the novel Z-source dc...
This paper introduces groundbreaking research on how to assess the Cable Length Limit (CLL) to ensur...
The integration of distributed generation such as renewable energy at the distribution is considered...
DC faults may cause severe disruptions in continuity of service to vital loads in a shipboard integr...
High-voltage direct-current (HVDC) rated at 270 Vdc is one of the main power supply technologies exp...
High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) systems are now well-integrated into AC systems in many jurisdict...
A coupled-inductor-based bidirectional Z-source breaker topology is introduced in this paper, which ...
Thesis: Nav. E., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 2019Th...
This paper investigates DC network partition and alternative DC fault protection strategy for Multi-...
Strathclyde theses - ask staff. Thesis no. : T13479The use of DC for primary power distribution has ...
CIVINS (Civilian Institutions) Thesis documentNew power system components and controls are needed to...