Description of last weeks of Bertha Pappenheim in Neu-Isenburg in 1936.Bertha Pappenheim (Vienna 1859 - Neu Isenburg 1936) was the founder and long-time president of the "Juedischer Frauenbund", the Jewish women organization of Germany. She was the founder and director of the Jewish girls' home in Neu-Isenburg (Hesse).Hannah Karminski was born in Berlin in 1897. She was the director of the "Juedischer Frauenbund" and a close friend of Bertha Pappenheim. In 1938 she became a member of the executive of the "Reichsvertretung" and later of the "Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Deutschland". She died during the deportation to a Polish concentration camp in 1942.Brief summary in Max Kreutzberger: "Leo Baeck Institute New York, Bibliothek und Archiv...