Scubadiving was born in France (Aveyron) in the early 1860s. Although the invention wasefficient under water worker did not find it useful enough. Free diving and scuba diving weremainly used for sponge and shell fishing. P. Bert and J.S. Haldane – two scientists – were thefirst to settle down the basis of decompression. We have to wait until 1930 to considerscubadiving as a hobby : first submarine in the Mediterranean sea, then Yves Le Prieurcreated the first aqualung and established the first diving club in 1935. At the end of theSecond World War, soldiers made the invention theirs and improved the system withCousteau and Tailliez. Scubadiving grew up thanks to the fédération française nationaled’études et de sports sous-marins and the Cl...