Los Angeles, Cal., Jan. 11, 1911.325 West Adams Street.My dear Mr, Colby:-Many thanks for the maps. They are just what I wanted. You forwarded a letter for me the other day from Charles Dutton in which he says that with the letter he had sent me a book. If not too heavy and clumsy I wish you would address it to me here, and charge the stamps to my account.I am glad you liked the opening chapter of My First Summer. As to the way it reads, there is no secret about it that 1 know of, or I would send it along, as you propose. I think if the Hetch-Hetchy question holds on for another year or two that Mr. and Mrs. Parsons and yourself will be able to write any number of Sierra Books, although as you know, it is hard work anyhow. I am pegging aw...