1. AP NEWS. Ukraine pushes ahead with plans to secure NATO membership. Retrieved on 25/02/2021 from https://www.apnews.com/dff40992fcc446f6808d02d03b35e4bc 2. Cyberdominance. Ukraine as a NATO Centre of Excellence: Information Warfare. Retrieved on 24/02/2021 from https://www.cyberdominance.com/cyberdominance/ukraine-as-anato-centre-of-excellence-information-warfare/?history=0&pfid=1&sample=2&ref=0 3. Nekrasov V, Polyakova A (2017) This is war: Ukraine was shaken by the largest cyberattack in history. Ekonomichna Pravda (Text in Ukrainian). Retrieved on 24/02/2021 from http://www.epravda.com.ua/publications/2017/06/27/626518/ 4. NATO. Centres of Excellence. Retrieved on 25/02/2021 from https://www.act.nato.int/centres-of-excellence?...
The article analyzes the epigraphs in the Russian novel The Black Council, i. e. in which manne...
1. Iarovyi D.M. Invalidyzatsiia ta osoblyvosti reabilitatsii postrazhdalykh vnaslidok dorozhno-trans...
[Rev. of: Kafanova O. B., Perevody N. M. Karamzina kak kul’turnyi universum. St. Petersburg: Aleteii...
1. Pro rozvytok ta derzhavnu pidtrymku maloho i serednoho pidpryiemnytstva v Ukraini: Zakon Ukrainy ...
The paper offers the first attempt of summarizing and interpreting the life history and poetic herit...
The novel “Constellation of Cygnus” (“Suzirya Lebedia”) by Yuriy Kosach is interpreted through discu...
1. Konstytutsiya Ukrayiny : Konstytutsiya Ukrayiny; Verkhovna Rada Ukrayiny vid 28.06.1996 № 254k/96...
Purpose. Preparation of short scientifically-historical essay about one of founders of domestic airc...
The column “Kriticheskie etudy” (Critical Sketches) deals with the state of current Russian literatu...
The article reveals the history of the autograph of Taras Shevchenko’s poem “Once I Was Walking at Ν...
The article analyzes the epigraphs in the Russian novel The Black Council, i. e. in which manne...
The current Baltic height system in Ukraine is outdated and requires modernization. The current reso...
1. Gajdenko V. Empіrichnij pіdhіd femіnіstichnoї epіstemologії / V. Gajdenko / / Іnshij poglyad. M...
The purpose of the article is to reveal and analyze the collections of Odessa editions stored in the...
1. Geoffrey E. Hinton, A. Krizhevsky & S. D. Wang. URL: http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~fritz/absps/tran...
The article analyzes the epigraphs in the Russian novel The Black Council, i. e. in which manne...
1. Iarovyi D.M. Invalidyzatsiia ta osoblyvosti reabilitatsii postrazhdalykh vnaslidok dorozhno-trans...
[Rev. of: Kafanova O. B., Perevody N. M. Karamzina kak kul’turnyi universum. St. Petersburg: Aleteii...
1. Pro rozvytok ta derzhavnu pidtrymku maloho i serednoho pidpryiemnytstva v Ukraini: Zakon Ukrainy ...
The paper offers the first attempt of summarizing and interpreting the life history and poetic herit...
The novel “Constellation of Cygnus” (“Suzirya Lebedia”) by Yuriy Kosach is interpreted through discu...
1. Konstytutsiya Ukrayiny : Konstytutsiya Ukrayiny; Verkhovna Rada Ukrayiny vid 28.06.1996 № 254k/96...
Purpose. Preparation of short scientifically-historical essay about one of founders of domestic airc...
The column “Kriticheskie etudy” (Critical Sketches) deals with the state of current Russian literatu...
The article reveals the history of the autograph of Taras Shevchenko’s poem “Once I Was Walking at Ν...
The article analyzes the epigraphs in the Russian novel The Black Council, i. e. in which manne...
The current Baltic height system in Ukraine is outdated and requires modernization. The current reso...
1. Gajdenko V. Empіrichnij pіdhіd femіnіstichnoї epіstemologії / V. Gajdenko / / Іnshij poglyad. M...
The purpose of the article is to reveal and analyze the collections of Odessa editions stored in the...
1. Geoffrey E. Hinton, A. Krizhevsky & S. D. Wang. URL: http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~fritz/absps/tran...
The article analyzes the epigraphs in the Russian novel The Black Council, i. e. in which manne...
1. Iarovyi D.M. Invalidyzatsiia ta osoblyvosti reabilitatsii postrazhdalykh vnaslidok dorozhno-trans...
[Rev. of: Kafanova O. B., Perevody N. M. Karamzina kak kul’turnyi universum. St. Petersburg: Aleteii...