1. Pro rozvytok ta derzhavnu pidtrymku maloho i serednoho pidpryiemnytstva v Ukraini: Zakon Ukrainy vid 22.03.2012 № 4618-VI [On Development and State Support of Small and Medium Business in Ukraine: Law of Ukraine of March 22, 2012 No. 4618-VI]. zakon.rada.gov.ua. Retrieved from: https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/4618-17 (accessed 10 April 2020) [in Ukrainian]. 2. Liutyi, I.O., & Romaniuk, M.V. (2007). Problemy ta perspektyvy sproshchenoi systemy opodatkuvannia subiektiv maloho pidpryiemnytstva v Ukraini [Problems and prospects of a simplified tax system for small business entities in Ukraine]. Finansy Ukrainy – Finance of Ukraine, 6, 31-38 [in Ukrainian]. 3. Derzhavna kaznacheiska sluzhba Ukrainy [State Treasury Service of Ukraine]. t...
This article is devoted to the life and activities of Nadiya V. Surovtsova, a woman who had diverse ...
1. Iarovyi D.M. Invalidyzatsiia ta osoblyvosti reabilitatsii postrazhdalykh vnaslidok dorozhno-trans...
The article reveals the history of the autograph of Taras Shevchenko’s poem “Once I Was Walking at Ν...
1. AP NEWS. Ukraine pushes ahead with plans to secure NATO membership. Retrieved on 25/02/2021 from...
The modeling of social processes in rulemaking is still not perfect. The aim of the article is to im...
1. Konstytutsiya Ukrayiny : Konstytutsiya Ukrayiny; Verkhovna Rada Ukrayiny vid 28.06.1996 № 254k/96...
This article is an overview of local government reform processes in Ukraine. We focus on two key iss...
1. Gajdenko V. Empіrichnij pіdhіd femіnіstichnoї epіstemologії / V. Gajdenko / / Іnshij poglyad. M...
The article is devoted to the analysis of the study of the participation of the Nizhyn Cossack Regim...
Problem setting. Ukraine continues its integration processes with the international community, in pa...
Rapid globalization and informatization of everyday processes, mass use of Internet resources and so...
1. Hryschenko, І.М. (2014). Vprovadzhennya liderstva v systemu mistsevoho samovryaduvannya Ukrayiny ...
The traditional approach to consider reorganization as a succession, as well as the form of terminat...
After signing a peace treaty in the Riga in 1921 year, on the polish territory were 20 thousand ukra...
The article is devoted to one of the famous Polish public figure, politician, memoirist, editor of «...
This article is devoted to the life and activities of Nadiya V. Surovtsova, a woman who had diverse ...
1. Iarovyi D.M. Invalidyzatsiia ta osoblyvosti reabilitatsii postrazhdalykh vnaslidok dorozhno-trans...
The article reveals the history of the autograph of Taras Shevchenko’s poem “Once I Was Walking at Ν...
1. AP NEWS. Ukraine pushes ahead with plans to secure NATO membership. Retrieved on 25/02/2021 from...
The modeling of social processes in rulemaking is still not perfect. The aim of the article is to im...
1. Konstytutsiya Ukrayiny : Konstytutsiya Ukrayiny; Verkhovna Rada Ukrayiny vid 28.06.1996 № 254k/96...
This article is an overview of local government reform processes in Ukraine. We focus on two key iss...
1. Gajdenko V. Empіrichnij pіdhіd femіnіstichnoї epіstemologії / V. Gajdenko / / Іnshij poglyad. M...
The article is devoted to the analysis of the study of the participation of the Nizhyn Cossack Regim...
Problem setting. Ukraine continues its integration processes with the international community, in pa...
Rapid globalization and informatization of everyday processes, mass use of Internet resources and so...
1. Hryschenko, І.М. (2014). Vprovadzhennya liderstva v systemu mistsevoho samovryaduvannya Ukrayiny ...
The traditional approach to consider reorganization as a succession, as well as the form of terminat...
After signing a peace treaty in the Riga in 1921 year, on the polish territory were 20 thousand ukra...
The article is devoted to one of the famous Polish public figure, politician, memoirist, editor of «...
This article is devoted to the life and activities of Nadiya V. Surovtsova, a woman who had diverse ...
1. Iarovyi D.M. Invalidyzatsiia ta osoblyvosti reabilitatsii postrazhdalykh vnaslidok dorozhno-trans...
The article reveals the history of the autograph of Taras Shevchenko’s poem “Once I Was Walking at Ν...