The objective of this thesis was to study the relationship between teacher motivation and learner motivation. The study was conducted in Croatia among 77 secondary school students and their two teachers. The teachers and the learners were given online questionnaires. The results showed that both teachers and learners were motivated, had positive attitudes and identified various sources of motivation. Secondly, the results suggested that teachers and learners were aware of each other's motivation. Teachers were able to recognize if their students were motivated and the learners were able to recognize that their teachers were motivated. Furthermore, both teachers and learners provided various examples of how teachers can affect learner motiva...
Maģistra darba “Pedagoga motivācijas ietekme uz studentu attieksmi pret studijām” aktualitāti pamato...
V diplomskem delu z naslovom Raba motivacijskih sredstev pri pouku je prikazana uporaba motivacijski...
This bachelor thesis deals with the most motivation of the teachers from two elementary schools. The...
The objective of this thesis was to study the relationship between teacher motivation and learner mo...
U ovome radu detaljnije će biti opisano što je motivacija, koje sve vrste teškoća u učenju postoje s...
This thesis seeks to examine whether a relationship exists between teacher motivation and learner mo...
Learning is a continuous and progressive process which brings changes in the students. During this p...
Diplomdarbā ”Skolotāju un skolēnu motivācijas mijiedarbība svešvalodu stundās” pētīta skolotāju moti...
Došlo je do velikih promjena u ljudskim djelatnostima, u kojima učiteljsko zanimanje nije ostalo po...
Vseživljenjsko izobraževanje prinaša veliko osebno odgovornost za lastni osebnostni in strokovni raz...
Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati razloge i motive upisa na učiteljski studij te motivaciju za obavl...
Darba autore ir Megija Brikaine. Bakalaura temats ir ‘’ Profesionāli motivēta skolotāja un skolēnu m...
This thesis investigates the relationship between the motivation of secondary school teachers and st...
Maģistra darba „Mācīšanās motivācijas pilnveidošanās skolotāju studiju programmā” aktualitāti nosaka...
The main goal of this work is to investigate the motivation of teachers at selected elementary schoo...
Maģistra darba “Pedagoga motivācijas ietekme uz studentu attieksmi pret studijām” aktualitāti pamato...
V diplomskem delu z naslovom Raba motivacijskih sredstev pri pouku je prikazana uporaba motivacijski...
This bachelor thesis deals with the most motivation of the teachers from two elementary schools. The...
The objective of this thesis was to study the relationship between teacher motivation and learner mo...
U ovome radu detaljnije će biti opisano što je motivacija, koje sve vrste teškoća u učenju postoje s...
This thesis seeks to examine whether a relationship exists between teacher motivation and learner mo...
Learning is a continuous and progressive process which brings changes in the students. During this p...
Diplomdarbā ”Skolotāju un skolēnu motivācijas mijiedarbība svešvalodu stundās” pētīta skolotāju moti...
Došlo je do velikih promjena u ljudskim djelatnostima, u kojima učiteljsko zanimanje nije ostalo po...
Vseživljenjsko izobraževanje prinaša veliko osebno odgovornost za lastni osebnostni in strokovni raz...
Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati razloge i motive upisa na učiteljski studij te motivaciju za obavl...
Darba autore ir Megija Brikaine. Bakalaura temats ir ‘’ Profesionāli motivēta skolotāja un skolēnu m...
This thesis investigates the relationship between the motivation of secondary school teachers and st...
Maģistra darba „Mācīšanās motivācijas pilnveidošanās skolotāju studiju programmā” aktualitāti nosaka...
The main goal of this work is to investigate the motivation of teachers at selected elementary schoo...
Maģistra darba “Pedagoga motivācijas ietekme uz studentu attieksmi pret studijām” aktualitāti pamato...
V diplomskem delu z naslovom Raba motivacijskih sredstev pri pouku je prikazana uporaba motivacijski...
This bachelor thesis deals with the most motivation of the teachers from two elementary schools. The...