Plesna disciplina hip hop vsebuje veliko različnih stilov. V relativno kratki koreografiji plesalci izvedejo veliko skokov, zadrževanj v nenaravnih položajih telesa in hitrih gibov v velikih amplitudah (predvsem zgornjih udov), za kar potrebujejo dobro razvite gibalne sposobnosti. Kot pri drugih športih tudi pri plesu hip hop poškodbe predstavljajo pomemben zdravstveni problem. Raziskave o poškodbah v plesu kažejo največ poškodb kolena, gležnja in hrbta, zato je bil temeljni cilj naše raziskave zmanjšati število poškodb spodnjega uda pri plesalkah in plesalcih hip hopa. V ta namen smo izdelali preventivni strukturirani vadbeni program, ki sledi potrebam in zahtevam plesalcev hip hopa, ter ugotavljali, kakšen vpliv ima na pojavljanje poškodb...
Dance sport is a demanding discipline; to participate in sport dance competitions needs daily traini...
Uvod: V vsakodnevnem življenju se srečujemo z različnimi izzivi in primeri, kjer je potrebno dobro r...
The aim of this study was to see if a 9-week hip dominant weight training intervention would increas...
Cilj ovog istraživanja bilo je utvrditi kako program hip hopa utječe na razvoj motoričkih sposobnost...
Hip hop dance is becoming increasingly popular. It is performed in a variety of environments and can...
Hip hop is a popular form of competitive and recreational sport worldwide, but studies rarely invest...
This is an accepted manuscript of an article published by J. Michael Ryan Publishing Inc. in Journal...
Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi kakav utjecaj ima program urbanih plesova na razvoj motorički...
Moderni tekmovalni plesi so v Sloveniji zelo razširjeni in plesalci na mednarodnem nivoju dosegajo v...
Background: Dancers are highly trained athletes who are at significant risk of injury due to the rep...
Fizioterapija je grana medicine koja se bavi prepoznavanjem problema kod pojedinca i pruža mogućnost...
The paper presents the results of field research on the population of dancers – members of the hip-h...
Otroci z motnjami v duševnem razvoju imajo pogosto pomanjkljivo razvite gibalne sposobnosti, med kat...
Title: Fitness and compensation exercises in dancesport Objectives: The aim of this thesis is propos...
The aim of the thesis is to sketch a subject of the dance style of hip hop as the motion activity, a...
Dance sport is a demanding discipline; to participate in sport dance competitions needs daily traini...
Uvod: V vsakodnevnem življenju se srečujemo z različnimi izzivi in primeri, kjer je potrebno dobro r...
The aim of this study was to see if a 9-week hip dominant weight training intervention would increas...
Cilj ovog istraživanja bilo je utvrditi kako program hip hopa utječe na razvoj motoričkih sposobnost...
Hip hop dance is becoming increasingly popular. It is performed in a variety of environments and can...
Hip hop is a popular form of competitive and recreational sport worldwide, but studies rarely invest...
This is an accepted manuscript of an article published by J. Michael Ryan Publishing Inc. in Journal...
Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi kakav utjecaj ima program urbanih plesova na razvoj motorički...
Moderni tekmovalni plesi so v Sloveniji zelo razširjeni in plesalci na mednarodnem nivoju dosegajo v...
Background: Dancers are highly trained athletes who are at significant risk of injury due to the rep...
Fizioterapija je grana medicine koja se bavi prepoznavanjem problema kod pojedinca i pruža mogućnost...
The paper presents the results of field research on the population of dancers – members of the hip-h...
Otroci z motnjami v duševnem razvoju imajo pogosto pomanjkljivo razvite gibalne sposobnosti, med kat...
Title: Fitness and compensation exercises in dancesport Objectives: The aim of this thesis is propos...
The aim of the thesis is to sketch a subject of the dance style of hip hop as the motion activity, a...
Dance sport is a demanding discipline; to participate in sport dance competitions needs daily traini...
Uvod: V vsakodnevnem življenju se srečujemo z različnimi izzivi in primeri, kjer je potrebno dobro r...
The aim of this study was to see if a 9-week hip dominant weight training intervention would increas...