By replacing the liquid electrolyte by a solid one, solid state batteries are oftenconsidered as a solution to safety issues in current Li-ion batteries. The recentdiscovery of Li10GeP2S12 with so-called LGPS structure, which exhibits an ionicconductivity equivalent to that of liquid electrolytes, has boosted related researchactivities.In this perspective, we studied the Li10MP2S12 (M=Sn, Si) materials with LGPSstructure, using various methods to characterize the structure (XRD, 31P NMR,Mössbauer spectroscopy …), the ionic mobility/conductivity (7Li NMR, Impedancespectroscopy), and the electrochemical properties (cycling voltammetry,galvanostatic cycling) of the material.Commercially available Li10SnP2S12 batches contain impurities and ther...