As microprocessors move towards higher frequencies, lower operating voltages and higher power consumption, supplying noise-free power to the ICs becomes increasingly challenging. Decoupling capacitors with low inductance interconnections are critical to meet the power supply impedance targets. A variety of capacitors are used today to provide decoupling at different frequencies. Surface-mount multi-layer ceramic capacitors currently used at package level provide decoupling only till about 100 MHz because of the component and lead inductances. Embedding thin film capacitors into the package can expand the operating range of package level capacitors to low GHz frequencies. Thin films with capacitance of several microfarads and organic-compati...
Ferroelectric BaTiO3 is widely used in capacitors, but the low Curie temperature limits a further us...
BaTiO3 based multilayer ceramic capacitor (MLCC) is an important component in electronic devices. Ac...
Electronic devices like notebooks, smart phones, GPS units, LED TVs and other daily life application...
Capacitor, resistor and inductor are passive components that occupy over 50% of board space and acco...
With the digital systems moving towards higher frequencies, lower operating voltages and higher powe...
Significant effort is presently focused on reducing the size and weight of power electronic modules....
Discrete electrical components such as capacitors, resistors, resonators, and inductors are still so...
d acting on its behalf, a paid-up, non exclusive, irrevomble worldwide license in works, dmnbute mpm...
Several strategies were evaluated focusing on the optimum reliability of thin-film ceramic capacitor...
BaTiO3 thin films were deposited onto polycrystalline Pt using a dip-coating technique, with calcina...
Abstract This article presents novel all-ceramic composite films used as a screen-printed capacitor...
<p>Motivation of Study: Thin films capacitor has bring much interesting factor in modern storage tec...
The goal of this work was to produce BaTiO3 and BaxSr (1−x)TiO3 (BST) thin films with high dielectri...
[[abstract]]In this report, effect of MgO and Y2O3 additives on modifying the dielectric constant-te...
By means of thin film technology a reduction of size, cost, and power consumption of electronic circ...
Ferroelectric BaTiO3 is widely used in capacitors, but the low Curie temperature limits a further us...
BaTiO3 based multilayer ceramic capacitor (MLCC) is an important component in electronic devices. Ac...
Electronic devices like notebooks, smart phones, GPS units, LED TVs and other daily life application...
Capacitor, resistor and inductor are passive components that occupy over 50% of board space and acco...
With the digital systems moving towards higher frequencies, lower operating voltages and higher powe...
Significant effort is presently focused on reducing the size and weight of power electronic modules....
Discrete electrical components such as capacitors, resistors, resonators, and inductors are still so...
d acting on its behalf, a paid-up, non exclusive, irrevomble worldwide license in works, dmnbute mpm...
Several strategies were evaluated focusing on the optimum reliability of thin-film ceramic capacitor...
BaTiO3 thin films were deposited onto polycrystalline Pt using a dip-coating technique, with calcina...
Abstract This article presents novel all-ceramic composite films used as a screen-printed capacitor...
<p>Motivation of Study: Thin films capacitor has bring much interesting factor in modern storage tec...
The goal of this work was to produce BaTiO3 and BaxSr (1−x)TiO3 (BST) thin films with high dielectri...
[[abstract]]In this report, effect of MgO and Y2O3 additives on modifying the dielectric constant-te...
By means of thin film technology a reduction of size, cost, and power consumption of electronic circ...
Ferroelectric BaTiO3 is widely used in capacitors, but the low Curie temperature limits a further us...
BaTiO3 based multilayer ceramic capacitor (MLCC) is an important component in electronic devices. Ac...
Electronic devices like notebooks, smart phones, GPS units, LED TVs and other daily life application...