家庭暴力的核心是权力和控制。在现实生活中,国内外都存在着男性作为家庭暴力受害人的现象。从表象上看,男性作为家庭暴力受害人存在着身体力量较小、社会资源占有量较少、“男性气质“不够突出等特点。但透过表象,这些特质都是社会建构的结果,是父权制社会的刻板印象,是男女不平等、性别关系不和谐的反映。家庭暴力的代际传递、社会习得及现行法律有效救济机制的缺乏是造成上述现象的重要原因。通过设立专门针对男性的庇护所、家庭暴力防治法的专项立法,并通过在多元、多机构社会干预中对男性作为家庭暴力受害人问题的关注,才有可能真正实现性别平等,从而构造男女平权的性别伙伴关系。The power and control is the core of Domestic violence.In real life,both at home and abroad male victims of domestic violence exist as a phenomenon.From the representation point of view,male victims of domestic violence have features as relatively weak body,low share of social resources,and not enough "masculinity".But through representation,these qualities are the result of social construction,is the stereotype of patriarchal society,the reflection of gender inequality,...
Domestic violence is one of the major social issues that characterize our country, both as a contrib...
Våld i nära relationer är ett stort samhällsproblem och kvinnor utsätts oftare än män för mer allvar...
In this research paper domestic violence is always discussed in relation to women only male is alway...
目的: Domestic Violence(DV)被害者のエンパワーメントを図る支援システムの構築に向けた基礎資料を得るために,被害者自身がとった対処行動と実際に受けた医療的・福祉的支援について調査し...
Aile içi kadına yönelik şiddet cinsiyetçi tutumların ve ayrımcılığın en somut şekillerinden biri ola...
デートDV に関する中高生の認識についての資料を作成する目的で,中学生595 人(男子277 人,女子318 人),高校生1545 人(男子615 人,女子930 人)を対象として,24 の行為がデー...
Little or nothing is really known about a man’s victimization in a domestic violence situation. Gene...
Domestic violence from a male victim\u27s perspective is something that is not discussed in society ...
Current research and statistics support that there are significant number of men who experience dome...
[[abstract]] 本研究試圖呈現目睹家暴暨受虐之青少女的內在經驗。且將內在經驗聚焦於家庭關係、學校生活適應與自我認同三部分。 本研究以立意抽樣選取一對姊妹為受訪對象,透過深度訪談與參與式觀...
This presentation includes a discussion of men's experience of domestic violence presented at the an...
A contextual analysis was conducted of Utah domestic violence agency websites to determine if these ...
[目的]了解宁夏农村地区家庭暴力发生情况及其影响. [方法]2007年5月,在宁夏某县采用多阶段随机整群抽样方法,抽取了2个乡管辖的10个村的2 088名15~64岁妇女进行定量问卷调查. [结果]宁...
In theses emphasizes the deterioration of domestic violence, describes its performance and outlines ...
Domestic violence is one of the major social issues that characterize our country, both as a contrib...
Våld i nära relationer är ett stort samhällsproblem och kvinnor utsätts oftare än män för mer allvar...
In this research paper domestic violence is always discussed in relation to women only male is alway...
目的: Domestic Violence(DV)被害者のエンパワーメントを図る支援システムの構築に向けた基礎資料を得るために,被害者自身がとった対処行動と実際に受けた医療的・福祉的支援について調査し...
Aile içi kadına yönelik şiddet cinsiyetçi tutumların ve ayrımcılığın en somut şekillerinden biri ola...
デートDV に関する中高生の認識についての資料を作成する目的で,中学生595 人(男子277 人,女子318 人),高校生1545 人(男子615 人,女子930 人)を対象として,24 の行為がデー...
Little or nothing is really known about a man’s victimization in a domestic violence situation. Gene...
Domestic violence from a male victim\u27s perspective is something that is not discussed in society ...
Current research and statistics support that there are significant number of men who experience dome...
[[abstract]] 本研究試圖呈現目睹家暴暨受虐之青少女的內在經驗。且將內在經驗聚焦於家庭關係、學校生活適應與自我認同三部分。 本研究以立意抽樣選取一對姊妹為受訪對象,透過深度訪談與參與式觀...
This presentation includes a discussion of men's experience of domestic violence presented at the an...
A contextual analysis was conducted of Utah domestic violence agency websites to determine if these ...
[目的]了解宁夏农村地区家庭暴力发生情况及其影响. [方法]2007年5月,在宁夏某县采用多阶段随机整群抽样方法,抽取了2个乡管辖的10个村的2 088名15~64岁妇女进行定量问卷调查. [结果]宁...
In theses emphasizes the deterioration of domestic violence, describes its performance and outlines ...
Domestic violence is one of the major social issues that characterize our country, both as a contrib...
Våld i nära relationer är ett stort samhällsproblem och kvinnor utsätts oftare än män för mer allvar...
In this research paper domestic violence is always discussed in relation to women only male is alway...