Inledning: Vaccinationstveksamhet är ett fenomen som är viktigt att studera eftersom bekämpningen mot covid-19 och andra sjukdomar är beroende av att befolkningen vaccinerar sig. Området Rinkeby-Tensta har tidigare haft låg vaccinationstäckning på grund av oro över biverkningar. Syftet är att ta reda på inställningen för vaccination mot covid-19 i Rinkeby-Tensta. Metod: En tvärsnittsstudie utfördes med bekvämlighetsurval. Resultat: Resultatet visar att 72 respondenter besvarade enkäten varav 78 procent av respondenterna svarade att de antingen inte vill eller inte vet om de vill vaccinera sig. Diskussion: Utbildningsnivå är inte associerat med vaccinationsviljan. Att senarelägga vaccinacceptansen uppfattas som en fördel. Bekymmer över vacci...
In this article I examine Norwegian lay people’s attitudes towards vaccination with the 2009–2010 sw...
In recent history, four influenza pandemics have occurred causing worldwide suffering. It is only a ...
Vaccine resistance is not a new phenomenon, skeptics have always existed since the very first vaccin...
Inledning: Vaccinationstveksamhet är ett fenomen som är viktigt att studera eftersom bekämpningen mo...
Bakgrund: Desinformation kring vaccination kan leda till ökad misstro mot hälsomyndigheter och under...
Bakgrund: Covid-19-pandemin orsakas av ett coronavirus som upptäcktes i december 2019. Vaccin mot Co...
The first case of Covid-19 in Sweden was confirmed at the end of January 2020. At the time of conduc...
The aim of this paper is to identify the most vaccine-hesitant groups in a contemporary democratic s...
Background: While HPV vaccination uptake in Sweden is quite high, at around 80%, vaccine hesitancy r...
In response to a desired degree of participation within vaccination against the Covid-19 pandemic, t...
The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between economic preferences and attitu...
This study examines the relationship between media use and support/hesitancy towards the COVID-19 va...
The pandemic hit the world at the end of 2019. Governments in various countries had introduced restr...
Syftet med denna uppsats är att ta reda på vilka socioekonomiska faktorer bidrar till intaget av vac...
Influenza type A is associated with most severe complications to humans and is historically recogniz...
In this article I examine Norwegian lay people’s attitudes towards vaccination with the 2009–2010 sw...
In recent history, four influenza pandemics have occurred causing worldwide suffering. It is only a ...
Vaccine resistance is not a new phenomenon, skeptics have always existed since the very first vaccin...
Inledning: Vaccinationstveksamhet är ett fenomen som är viktigt att studera eftersom bekämpningen mo...
Bakgrund: Desinformation kring vaccination kan leda till ökad misstro mot hälsomyndigheter och under...
Bakgrund: Covid-19-pandemin orsakas av ett coronavirus som upptäcktes i december 2019. Vaccin mot Co...
The first case of Covid-19 in Sweden was confirmed at the end of January 2020. At the time of conduc...
The aim of this paper is to identify the most vaccine-hesitant groups in a contemporary democratic s...
Background: While HPV vaccination uptake in Sweden is quite high, at around 80%, vaccine hesitancy r...
In response to a desired degree of participation within vaccination against the Covid-19 pandemic, t...
The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between economic preferences and attitu...
This study examines the relationship between media use and support/hesitancy towards the COVID-19 va...
The pandemic hit the world at the end of 2019. Governments in various countries had introduced restr...
Syftet med denna uppsats är att ta reda på vilka socioekonomiska faktorer bidrar till intaget av vac...
Influenza type A is associated with most severe complications to humans and is historically recogniz...
In this article I examine Norwegian lay people’s attitudes towards vaccination with the 2009–2010 sw...
In recent history, four influenza pandemics have occurred causing worldwide suffering. It is only a ...
Vaccine resistance is not a new phenomenon, skeptics have always existed since the very first vaccin...