Let $n\ge 1$ and $A$ be a commutative algebra of the form $\boldsymbol k[x_1,x_2,\dots, x_n]/I$ where $\boldsymbol k$ is a field of characteristic $0$ and $I\subseteq \boldsymbol k[x_1,x_2,\dots, x_n]$ is an ideal. Assume that there is a Poisson bracket $\{\:,\:\}$ on $S$ such that $\{I,S\}\subseteq I$ and let us denote the induced bracket on $A$ by $\{\:,\:\}$ as well. It is well-known that $[\mathrm d x_i,\mathrm d x_j]:=\mathrm d\{x_i,x_j\}$ defines a Lie bracket on the $A$-module $\Omega_{A|\boldsymbol k}$ of K\"ahler differentials making $(A,\Omega_{A|\boldsymbol k})$ a Lie-Rinehart pair. Recall that $A$ is regular if and only if $\Omega_{A|\boldsymbol k}$ is projective as an $A$-module. If $A$ is not regular, the cotangent complex $\m...