Instruction scheduling is a code reordering transformation used to hide latencies present in modern day microprocessors. Scheduling is often critical in achieving peak performance from these processors. The designer of a compiler's instruction scheduler has many choices to make, including the scope of scheduling, the underlying scheduling algorithm, and handling interactions between scheduling and other transformations. List scheduling algorithms, and variants thereof, have been the dominate algorithms used by instruction schedulers for years. In this work we explore the strengths and weaknesses of this algorithm aided by the use of stochastic scheduling techniques. These new techniques we call RBF (randomized backward and forward schedulin...
I hereby declare that I am the sole author of this thesis. This is a true copy of the thesis, includ...
Instruction scheduling and Software pipelining are important compilation techniques which reorder in...
Register allocation and instruction scheduling are two central compiler back-end problems that are c...
This work was also published as a Rice University thesis/dissertation:
Instruction scheduling is a code reordering transformation that attempts to hide latencies present i...
While altering the scope of instruction scheduling has a rich heritage in compiler literature, instr...
Instruction scheduling is anNP-complete problem that involves finding the fastest sequence of machin...
Instruction scheduling aims to reorder instructions in such a way that it covers the delay between a...
While high-performance architectures have included some Instruction-Level Parallelism (ILP) for at l...
Effective global instruction scheduling techniques have become an important component in modern comp...
Many difficulties are encountered when developing an instruction scheduler to produce efficacious co...
Out-of-order execution is one of the main micro-architectural techniques used to improve the perform...
Instruction scheduling algorithms are used in compilers to reduce run-time delays for the compiled c...
Out-of-order execution is one of the main micro-architectural techniques used to improve the perform...
Two of the most important phases of code generation for instruction level parallel processors are re...
I hereby declare that I am the sole author of this thesis. This is a true copy of the thesis, includ...
Instruction scheduling and Software pipelining are important compilation techniques which reorder in...
Register allocation and instruction scheduling are two central compiler back-end problems that are c...
This work was also published as a Rice University thesis/dissertation:
Instruction scheduling is a code reordering transformation that attempts to hide latencies present i...
While altering the scope of instruction scheduling has a rich heritage in compiler literature, instr...
Instruction scheduling is anNP-complete problem that involves finding the fastest sequence of machin...
Instruction scheduling aims to reorder instructions in such a way that it covers the delay between a...
While high-performance architectures have included some Instruction-Level Parallelism (ILP) for at l...
Effective global instruction scheduling techniques have become an important component in modern comp...
Many difficulties are encountered when developing an instruction scheduler to produce efficacious co...
Out-of-order execution is one of the main micro-architectural techniques used to improve the perform...
Instruction scheduling algorithms are used in compilers to reduce run-time delays for the compiled c...
Out-of-order execution is one of the main micro-architectural techniques used to improve the perform...
Two of the most important phases of code generation for instruction level parallel processors are re...
I hereby declare that I am the sole author of this thesis. This is a true copy of the thesis, includ...
Instruction scheduling and Software pipelining are important compilation techniques which reorder in...
Register allocation and instruction scheduling are two central compiler back-end problems that are c...