Although the first transistor was based on germanium, current chip technology mainly uses silicon due to its larger abundance, a lower price and higher quality silicon-oxide. However, a very important goal in microelectronics is to obtain faster integrated circuits. The advantages of germanium compared to silicon (e.g. a higher mobility of the charge carriers) motivates further research on germanium based materials. Semiconductor doping (e.g. introducing impurities into silicon and germanium in order to alter - and control - their properties) can be done by ion implantation or by in situ doping, whereby the host material is doped during growth. This thesis focuses on introducing dopants by ion implantation. The implantation as well as the s...
We present a lattice location study of the n-type dopant arsenic after ion implantation into germani...
In recent years germanium has been emerging as a mainstream material that could have important appli...
The electronic properties of the 3d transition metal impurities titanium and chromium in crystalline...
The past two decades, germanium has drawn international attention as one of the most promising mater...
The behavior of transition metals (TMs) in silicon is a subject that has been studied extensively du...
We report on the lattice location of ion implanted Fe, Cu, and Ag impurities in germanium from a com...
The electronic properties of manganese in crystalline germanium have been investigated by means of d...
The functional properties of Mn-doped Ge depend to large extent on the lattice location of the Mn im...
We report on the lattice location of ion implanted Fe, Cu, and Ag impurities in germanium from a com...
The recent interest in germanium as an alternative channel material for PMOS has revealed major diff...
%IS366 %title\\ \\Transition metals (TMs) in semiconductors have been the subject of considerable re...
This thesis deals with investigations of samples of dilute rare earth impurities in iron and nickel ...
The presence and behaviour of transition metals (TMs) in SiC has been a concern since the start of p...
Mn-doped Si has attracted significant interest in the context of dilute magnetic semiconductors. We i...
The purpose of this study has been to investigate the possibility of doping germanium using the tech...
We present a lattice location study of the n-type dopant arsenic after ion implantation into germani...
In recent years germanium has been emerging as a mainstream material that could have important appli...
The electronic properties of the 3d transition metal impurities titanium and chromium in crystalline...
The past two decades, germanium has drawn international attention as one of the most promising mater...
The behavior of transition metals (TMs) in silicon is a subject that has been studied extensively du...
We report on the lattice location of ion implanted Fe, Cu, and Ag impurities in germanium from a com...
The electronic properties of manganese in crystalline germanium have been investigated by means of d...
The functional properties of Mn-doped Ge depend to large extent on the lattice location of the Mn im...
We report on the lattice location of ion implanted Fe, Cu, and Ag impurities in germanium from a com...
The recent interest in germanium as an alternative channel material for PMOS has revealed major diff...
%IS366 %title\\ \\Transition metals (TMs) in semiconductors have been the subject of considerable re...
This thesis deals with investigations of samples of dilute rare earth impurities in iron and nickel ...
The presence and behaviour of transition metals (TMs) in SiC has been a concern since the start of p...
Mn-doped Si has attracted significant interest in the context of dilute magnetic semiconductors. We i...
The purpose of this study has been to investigate the possibility of doping germanium using the tech...
We present a lattice location study of the n-type dopant arsenic after ion implantation into germani...
In recent years germanium has been emerging as a mainstream material that could have important appli...
The electronic properties of the 3d transition metal impurities titanium and chromium in crystalline...