Most encrypted data formats leak metadata via their plaintext headers, such as format version, encryption schemes used, number of recipients who can decrypt the data, and even the recipients’ identities. This leakage can pose security and privacy risks to users, e.g., by revealing the full membership of a group of collaborators from a single encrypted e-mail, or by enabling an eavesdropper to fingerprint the precise encryption software version and configuration the sender used
Abstract. Protecting data is not simply a case of encrypt and forget: even data with full cryptograp...
Even when network data is encrypted, observers can make inferences about content based on collected ...
Secure communications are playing increasing roles in society, particularly in finance, jour-nalism,...
Most encrypted data formats leak metadata via their plaintext headers, such as format version, encry...
Most communication systems (e.g., e-mails, instant messengers, VPNs) use encryption to prevent third...
The fast-growing internet brought an increase in the number of online content sharing platforms, as ...
We explore the problem of managing information leakage by connecting two hitherto disconnected topic...
TRANSMISSION”. This project encrypts and decrypts the textual files, media files by using encrypt/de...
Abstract — Data leakage is a process in which a data distributor has given important data to a suppo...
Abstract — Documents contain metadata and hidden information that can be used to disclose private da...
Improved databases use data as a technical application for many applications. In recent efforts, pre...
Abstract — The worst news for information technology people are computer has been stolen or lost. Th...
Improved databases that the data uses as a technical for many applications. In recent days, previous...
Traditional encryption methods operate on arbitrary binary plaintext strings and produce arbitrary b...
Email is undoubtedly the most used communications mechanism in society today. Within business alone,...
Abstract. Protecting data is not simply a case of encrypt and forget: even data with full cryptograp...
Even when network data is encrypted, observers can make inferences about content based on collected ...
Secure communications are playing increasing roles in society, particularly in finance, jour-nalism,...
Most encrypted data formats leak metadata via their plaintext headers, such as format version, encry...
Most communication systems (e.g., e-mails, instant messengers, VPNs) use encryption to prevent third...
The fast-growing internet brought an increase in the number of online content sharing platforms, as ...
We explore the problem of managing information leakage by connecting two hitherto disconnected topic...
TRANSMISSION”. This project encrypts and decrypts the textual files, media files by using encrypt/de...
Abstract — Data leakage is a process in which a data distributor has given important data to a suppo...
Abstract — Documents contain metadata and hidden information that can be used to disclose private da...
Improved databases use data as a technical application for many applications. In recent efforts, pre...
Abstract — The worst news for information technology people are computer has been stolen or lost. Th...
Improved databases that the data uses as a technical for many applications. In recent days, previous...
Traditional encryption methods operate on arbitrary binary plaintext strings and produce arbitrary b...
Email is undoubtedly the most used communications mechanism in society today. Within business alone,...
Abstract. Protecting data is not simply a case of encrypt and forget: even data with full cryptograp...
Even when network data is encrypted, observers can make inferences about content based on collected ...
Secure communications are playing increasing roles in society, particularly in finance, jour-nalism,...