Most encrypted data formats leak metadata via their plaintext headers, such as format version, encryption schemes used, number of recipients who can decrypt the data, and even the recipients’ identities. This leakage can pose security and privacy risks to users, e.g., by revealing the full membership of a group of collaborators from a single encrypted e-mail, or by enabling an eavesdropper to fingerprint the precise encryption software version and configuration the sender used. We propose that future encrypted data formats improve security and privacy hygiene by producing Padded Uniform Random Blobs or PURBs: ciphertexts indistinguishable from random bit strings to anyone without a decryption key. A PURB’s content leaks nothing at all, even...
International audienceConsider a set of users, each of which is choosing and downloading one file ou...
textabstractEvery public-key encryption scheme has to incorporate a certain amount of randomness int...
With the recent popularity of outsourcing private data to the cloud, there is an increased interest ...
Most encrypted data formats leak metadata via their plaintext headers, such as format version, encry...
Most communication systems (e.g., e-mails, instant messengers, VPNs) use encryption to prevent third...
Traditional encryption methods operate on arbitrary binary plaintext strings and produce arbitrary b...
International audienceWe study the problem of searching on encrypted data, where the search is perfo...
An attacker can gain information of a user by analyzing its network traffic. The size of transferred...
Governments around the world are demanding more access to encrypted data, but it has been difficult ...
© International Association for Cryptologic Research 2014. Scenarios in which authenticated encrypti...
It is a well known fact that encryption schemes can not hide a plaintext length when it is unbounded...
The Vernam-cipher is known as a one-time pad of algorithm that is an unbreakable algorithm because i...
Abstract. “Hash then encrypt ” is an approach to message authentication, where first the message is ...
Individual or organizational sensitive data and information need to be prevented from unauthorized ...
Improved databases that the data uses as a technical for many applications. In recent days, previous...
International audienceConsider a set of users, each of which is choosing and downloading one file ou...
textabstractEvery public-key encryption scheme has to incorporate a certain amount of randomness int...
With the recent popularity of outsourcing private data to the cloud, there is an increased interest ...
Most encrypted data formats leak metadata via their plaintext headers, such as format version, encry...
Most communication systems (e.g., e-mails, instant messengers, VPNs) use encryption to prevent third...
Traditional encryption methods operate on arbitrary binary plaintext strings and produce arbitrary b...
International audienceWe study the problem of searching on encrypted data, where the search is perfo...
An attacker can gain information of a user by analyzing its network traffic. The size of transferred...
Governments around the world are demanding more access to encrypted data, but it has been difficult ...
© International Association for Cryptologic Research 2014. Scenarios in which authenticated encrypti...
It is a well known fact that encryption schemes can not hide a plaintext length when it is unbounded...
The Vernam-cipher is known as a one-time pad of algorithm that is an unbreakable algorithm because i...
Abstract. “Hash then encrypt ” is an approach to message authentication, where first the message is ...
Individual or organizational sensitive data and information need to be prevented from unauthorized ...
Improved databases that the data uses as a technical for many applications. In recent days, previous...
International audienceConsider a set of users, each of which is choosing and downloading one file ou...
textabstractEvery public-key encryption scheme has to incorporate a certain amount of randomness int...
With the recent popularity of outsourcing private data to the cloud, there is an increased interest ...