Becoming an Estonian Universitywith the Help of Foreign LanguagesTerje LõbuUniversity of Tartu MuseumIn the autumn of 1919, when the Estonian-language University of Tartuopened its doors, the issue of finding lecturers was one of the mosturgent questions besides other problems. The main purpose of the nationaluniversity was to make the transition to Estonian-language instructionand research work, which is why they had to find employeescapable of working in Estonian. Firstly, negotiations were held withpotential researchers of Estonian origin. However, it became clear fromthe start that the few Estonian researchers scattered across Russiacould not fill the positions of all lecturers. The searches turned towardsFinland and Sweden, since Scand...
Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.Millised oleksid tulemused, kui paluda ...
Artikkel käsitleb Salomo Heinrich Vestringi eesti-saksa sõnaraamatut „Lexicon Esthonico Germanicum”,...
On the role of language and consciousness in theprocess of becoming “one of our own” upon theexample...
Aadu Must, an Estonian politician and the University of Tartu’s first Professor of Archival Studies,...
Kersti Loite (MA in traditional technologies) spoke to ethnographer and researcher of national costu...
The Language Question in the Learned Estonian SocietyKersti TaalUniversity of Tartu LibraryThe purpo...
Kokkuvõte: Aarne Michaël Tallgren, Eesti ja Tartu aastal 1920: riigi kuvand kirjavahetuses Rahvusvah...
Training high school teachers in post-warTartu State UniversityAfter World War II the heavy sovietis...
„Agenda Parva” (1622) on esimene tervenisti säilinud raamat, mis sisaldab pikemaid eestikeelseid tek...
Intrigue, provocation, and the birth of independence: the Estonian foreign delegation and Aleksander...
The contemporary study, making and wearing of national costumes worn in 19th-century Estonian peasan...
The school system in interwar Estonia was based on the idea that every child should receive their pr...
Konstantin Konikut teavad tänases Eesti Vabariigis vähesed. Ehk mõni arst, ehk vaid tõsised ajaloohu...
The aim of this article is to provide an overview of translations of English literature into Estonia...
Eesti keele kolm vanimat trükitud sõnastikku pärinevad 17. sajandist ja nende aines oli 21. sajandi ...
Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.Millised oleksid tulemused, kui paluda ...
Artikkel käsitleb Salomo Heinrich Vestringi eesti-saksa sõnaraamatut „Lexicon Esthonico Germanicum”,...
On the role of language and consciousness in theprocess of becoming “one of our own” upon theexample...
Aadu Must, an Estonian politician and the University of Tartu’s first Professor of Archival Studies,...
Kersti Loite (MA in traditional technologies) spoke to ethnographer and researcher of national costu...
The Language Question in the Learned Estonian SocietyKersti TaalUniversity of Tartu LibraryThe purpo...
Kokkuvõte: Aarne Michaël Tallgren, Eesti ja Tartu aastal 1920: riigi kuvand kirjavahetuses Rahvusvah...
Training high school teachers in post-warTartu State UniversityAfter World War II the heavy sovietis...
„Agenda Parva” (1622) on esimene tervenisti säilinud raamat, mis sisaldab pikemaid eestikeelseid tek...
Intrigue, provocation, and the birth of independence: the Estonian foreign delegation and Aleksander...
The contemporary study, making and wearing of national costumes worn in 19th-century Estonian peasan...
The school system in interwar Estonia was based on the idea that every child should receive their pr...
Konstantin Konikut teavad tänases Eesti Vabariigis vähesed. Ehk mõni arst, ehk vaid tõsised ajaloohu...
The aim of this article is to provide an overview of translations of English literature into Estonia...
Eesti keele kolm vanimat trükitud sõnastikku pärinevad 17. sajandist ja nende aines oli 21. sajandi ...
Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.Millised oleksid tulemused, kui paluda ...
Artikkel käsitleb Salomo Heinrich Vestringi eesti-saksa sõnaraamatut „Lexicon Esthonico Germanicum”,...
On the role of language and consciousness in theprocess of becoming “one of our own” upon theexample...