In the article factious composition of proteins and maintenance of concomitant substances (such as carbohydrates and chlorogenic acid) are investigational in products fat free of ethanol of different concentration. The estimation of functionally-technological properties of protein products from the sunflower seeds of the saturated type is givenВ статье исследован фракционный состав белков и содержание сопутствующих веществ (таких как углеводы и хлорогеновая кислота) в продуктах, обезжиренных этиловым спиртом разной концентрации. Дана оценка функционально-технологических свойств белковых продуктов из семян подсолнечника насыщенного типаУ статті досліджено фракційний склад білків та вміст супутніх речовин (таких як вуглеводи та хлорогенова ки...
This article is devoted to the research of terminology «evaluative concepts» in the context of its u...
The basic displays of economic crisis are formulated. The features of development of different segme...
Data of mucolytic drugs using possibility in childhood are given in this article. There are mechanis...
The method of the equivalent generator for mathematical descriptions of model of distribution of bio...
The article considers the possibility of using the carrot puree and oil from pumpkin seeds in the pr...
The Designed algorithm of the processing signal, providing increasing to precision in spectral devic...
In clinical investigation, the hepatoprotective action of actoprotector bemithyl (2-ethylthiobenzoim...
The article compares the clinical effect of flenox and clexane in the prevention of venous thromboem...
The Designed algorithm of the processing signal, providing increasing to precision in spectral devic...
The analysis of biological properties of lymphocytic chalones, regulators of cell proliferation, ind...
The paperincludes the data onperoxidaseactivity in leaves of 8 garden jasmine species introduced fro...
The upgrading technology of rotor shaft necks in the process of their manufacture and repair was dev...
The analysis methods for the creation, structure and materials of electroluminescent indicators for ...
The processes occurring during continuous cooling steel 70H5VMF in bulk graphite are studied It is e...
The processes occurring during continuous cooling steel 70H5VMF in bulk graphite are studied It is e...
This article is devoted to the research of terminology «evaluative concepts» in the context of its u...
The basic displays of economic crisis are formulated. The features of development of different segme...
Data of mucolytic drugs using possibility in childhood are given in this article. There are mechanis...
The method of the equivalent generator for mathematical descriptions of model of distribution of bio...
The article considers the possibility of using the carrot puree and oil from pumpkin seeds in the pr...
The Designed algorithm of the processing signal, providing increasing to precision in spectral devic...
In clinical investigation, the hepatoprotective action of actoprotector bemithyl (2-ethylthiobenzoim...
The article compares the clinical effect of flenox and clexane in the prevention of venous thromboem...
The Designed algorithm of the processing signal, providing increasing to precision in spectral devic...
The analysis of biological properties of lymphocytic chalones, regulators of cell proliferation, ind...
The paperincludes the data onperoxidaseactivity in leaves of 8 garden jasmine species introduced fro...
The upgrading technology of rotor shaft necks in the process of their manufacture and repair was dev...
The analysis methods for the creation, structure and materials of electroluminescent indicators for ...
The processes occurring during continuous cooling steel 70H5VMF in bulk graphite are studied It is e...
The processes occurring during continuous cooling steel 70H5VMF in bulk graphite are studied It is e...
This article is devoted to the research of terminology «evaluative concepts» in the context of its u...
The basic displays of economic crisis are formulated. The features of development of different segme...
Data of mucolytic drugs using possibility in childhood are given in this article. There are mechanis...