Data of mucolytic drugs using possibility in childhood are given in this article. There are mechanisms of forming and excretion of tracheobronchial secretions, the reasons of mucociliary clearance disorders discussed. The characteristics, basic modes of action, and recommendations on acetylcysteine usage are given.Приведены данные о возможности использования муколитических препаратов в детском возрасте. Рассматриваются механизмы образования и выведения трахеобронхиального секрета, причины нарушения мукоцилиарного клиренса. Приводится характеристика ацетилцистеина, основные механизмы действия и рекомендации по его использованию.Наведені дані щодо можливості використання муколітичних препаратів у дитячому віці. Розглядаються механізми утворен...
In secondary aluminium alloys iron is the main detrimental impurity. It forms intermetallic phases w...
In clinical investigation, the hepatoprotective action of actoprotector bemithyl (2-ethylthiobenzoim...
The results of studies of motion of the rail transport facilities on circular and transition curves ...
The article is dedicated to the problem of historical morals research in the context of culture’s un...
The analytical appearance of kinetics of moisture content, density, thermal conductivity and capacit...
The manuscript deals with the optimal control problem for linear elliptic equations with controls wh...
In the review the literature data are generalized in relation to the role of cathepsin H in pathogen...
Modern data about epydemiology, clinical manifestation features, diagnostics and different method of...
The problem of calculation of navigation range and the flight duration, different from estimated tec...
This article contains the analysis of institutional development of human rights and liberties. There...
The third bou.dary-value problem for the telegraph equation in semi-bounded domain is considered. T...
It has been found out that the course and prognosis of tuberculosis depend on the function of the th...
Various models for predicting aircraft noise around airports are described. Improved acoustic model...
The mechanism of hydrogenolysis of benzene chlorine derivatives has been studied. It is shown that t...
The research is devoted to trophic violations — one of the most frequent complications at the gun-ex...
In secondary aluminium alloys iron is the main detrimental impurity. It forms intermetallic phases w...
In clinical investigation, the hepatoprotective action of actoprotector bemithyl (2-ethylthiobenzoim...
The results of studies of motion of the rail transport facilities on circular and transition curves ...
The article is dedicated to the problem of historical morals research in the context of culture’s un...
The analytical appearance of kinetics of moisture content, density, thermal conductivity and capacit...
The manuscript deals with the optimal control problem for linear elliptic equations with controls wh...
In the review the literature data are generalized in relation to the role of cathepsin H in pathogen...
Modern data about epydemiology, clinical manifestation features, diagnostics and different method of...
The problem of calculation of navigation range and the flight duration, different from estimated tec...
This article contains the analysis of institutional development of human rights and liberties. There...
The third bou.dary-value problem for the telegraph equation in semi-bounded domain is considered. T...
It has been found out that the course and prognosis of tuberculosis depend on the function of the th...
Various models for predicting aircraft noise around airports are described. Improved acoustic model...
The mechanism of hydrogenolysis of benzene chlorine derivatives has been studied. It is shown that t...
The research is devoted to trophic violations — one of the most frequent complications at the gun-ex...
In secondary aluminium alloys iron is the main detrimental impurity. It forms intermetallic phases w...
In clinical investigation, the hepatoprotective action of actoprotector bemithyl (2-ethylthiobenzoim...
The results of studies of motion of the rail transport facilities on circular and transition curves ...