COOKERY BOOKS AND IDENTITY.NEU-VERFERTIGTES VOLLSTÄNDIGES KOCHBUCH BY STANISŁAW PRASMOFSKIFROM 1671 The aim of the article is to explore the authorship of early-modern cookery books and to identify the authors and their background by analysing their work. The paper is based on an analysis of a German-language cookery book by Stanisław Prasmofski, entitled Neu-verfertigtes vollständiges Kochbuch, published in Nuremberg in 1671. The only information about the author comes from the title page. In such a situation analysing the recipes, the formulation of the title, the preface, the layout of the edition and even the arrangement of the contents can be helpful in establishing whether the author had Polish or German cultural background. Identi...
The article discusses the emergence and specific character of the first cookbooks published in the 1...
Studies concerning the topic of food have found a strong correlation between our eating habits and s...
The article is focusing on analysis of characteristics exponents of the text in a cook‑ book Nowocze...
The thesis is called ?Czech cookery-books of 18th century?. During 18th century there were editted b...
Stať analyzuje způsoby formování ideálního modelu českých kuchařských knih v době tzv. národního obr...
Cooking recipes as historical source between food production and consumption The handwritten tradit...
Stať analyzuje způsoby formování ideálního modelu českých kuchařských knih v době tzv. národního obr...
Tematem niniejszej pracy są polskie drukowane książki kucharskie wydawane od XVII do XXI wieku. Głów...
Considering that in the last few years culinary matters have become a fashionable topic, the author ...
Cookbooks are special types of books instructing the user how to prepare a specific dish. By constan...
Celem pracy jest przedstawienie książek kucharskich jako źródła do badania przemian w obyczajowości ...
W mojej pracy omawiam najstarszą polską książkę kucharską. Tą problematyką jest zainteresowany Jaros...
Praca dotyczy kultury kulinarnej, która zawiera w sobie menu, obyczaje związane ze spożywaniem jedze...
According to the authors migration, fate and conditions of work of old masters of pot and pan are on...
The article discusses the emergence and specific character of the first cookbooks published in the 1...
Studies concerning the topic of food have found a strong correlation between our eating habits and s...
The article is focusing on analysis of characteristics exponents of the text in a cook‑ book Nowocze...
The thesis is called ?Czech cookery-books of 18th century?. During 18th century there were editted b...
Stať analyzuje způsoby formování ideálního modelu českých kuchařských knih v době tzv. národního obr...
Cooking recipes as historical source between food production and consumption The handwritten tradit...
Stať analyzuje způsoby formování ideálního modelu českých kuchařských knih v době tzv. národního obr...
Tematem niniejszej pracy są polskie drukowane książki kucharskie wydawane od XVII do XXI wieku. Głów...
Considering that in the last few years culinary matters have become a fashionable topic, the author ...
Cookbooks are special types of books instructing the user how to prepare a specific dish. By constan...
Celem pracy jest przedstawienie książek kucharskich jako źródła do badania przemian w obyczajowości ...
W mojej pracy omawiam najstarszą polską książkę kucharską. Tą problematyką jest zainteresowany Jaros...
Praca dotyczy kultury kulinarnej, która zawiera w sobie menu, obyczaje związane ze spożywaniem jedze...
According to the authors migration, fate and conditions of work of old masters of pot and pan are on...
The article discusses the emergence and specific character of the first cookbooks published in the 1...
Studies concerning the topic of food have found a strong correlation between our eating habits and s...
The article is focusing on analysis of characteristics exponents of the text in a cook‑ book Nowocze...