Cilj istraživanja bio je provjeriti utjecaj pobuđujuće glazbe na učinak u testu inteligencije ovisno o razini ekstraverzije, odnosno provjeriti neke aspekate Eysenckove Teorije ekstraverzije. U istraživanju je sudjelovao 61 sudionik koji su prema rezultatima na Eysenckovom upitniku ličnosti (EPQ) podijeljeni u skupine introverata, ambiverata i ekstraverata. Svi sudionici su rješavali spacijalni test inteligencije Vz-3 (paralelne forme) u dvije različite situacije, jednom u tišini, a drugi put uz slušanje pobuđujuće glazbe. Nije utvrđena statistički značajna razlika između introverata, ambiverata i ekstraverata u učinku na testu inteligencije u tišini, ali ni uz pobuđujuću glazbu, no da su ambiverti nešto uspješniji od ekstraverata i introv...
Tack vare framsteg inom portabel elektroencefalografiteknologi (PEEGT) har det blivit lättare och bi...
There have been several experiments in the past that test the correlation between music, usually Moz...
Cilj istraživanja je bio istražiti odnos osobina ličnosti, uživljenosti u glazbu i upotreba glazbe. ...
S obzirom da je odnos glazbe, pozitivnog i negativnog afekta i emocionalne inteligencije nedovoljno ...
The current study looked at the distracting effects of ‘pop music ’ on introverts ’ and extraverts’ ...
The effect of background music amongst Extroverts and Introverts on test performance was explored vi...
The relationship between background music and cognitive performance has received much interest from ...
This study examined the effects of vocal and non-vocal background music on the task performance of i...
The study investigated the effects of music with high arousal potential and negative affect (HA), mu...
The question of whether background music is able to enhance cognitive task performance is of interes...
This study was conducted to examine the effects of video game music on cognitive task performance fo...
Dissonance is a musical term describing compositional pieces with harsh overtones and an overall lev...
Purpose. People are interested in music. In this study, we assessed the impact of music type on obje...
Research on the effect of background music (BgM) on cognitive task performance is marked by inconsi...
Previous research found that introverts performed worse than extraverts on cognitive tasks in the pr...
Tack vare framsteg inom portabel elektroencefalografiteknologi (PEEGT) har det blivit lättare och bi...
There have been several experiments in the past that test the correlation between music, usually Moz...
Cilj istraživanja je bio istražiti odnos osobina ličnosti, uživljenosti u glazbu i upotreba glazbe. ...
S obzirom da je odnos glazbe, pozitivnog i negativnog afekta i emocionalne inteligencije nedovoljno ...
The current study looked at the distracting effects of ‘pop music ’ on introverts ’ and extraverts’ ...
The effect of background music amongst Extroverts and Introverts on test performance was explored vi...
The relationship between background music and cognitive performance has received much interest from ...
This study examined the effects of vocal and non-vocal background music on the task performance of i...
The study investigated the effects of music with high arousal potential and negative affect (HA), mu...
The question of whether background music is able to enhance cognitive task performance is of interes...
This study was conducted to examine the effects of video game music on cognitive task performance fo...
Dissonance is a musical term describing compositional pieces with harsh overtones and an overall lev...
Purpose. People are interested in music. In this study, we assessed the impact of music type on obje...
Research on the effect of background music (BgM) on cognitive task performance is marked by inconsi...
Previous research found that introverts performed worse than extraverts on cognitive tasks in the pr...
Tack vare framsteg inom portabel elektroencefalografiteknologi (PEEGT) har det blivit lättare och bi...
There have been several experiments in the past that test the correlation between music, usually Moz...
Cilj istraživanja je bio istražiti odnos osobina ličnosti, uživljenosti u glazbu i upotreba glazbe. ...