Introducere. Persoanele cu dizabilități reprezintă persoanele cu deficiențe fizice, mintale sau senzoriale, deficiențe care în interacțiunea cu diverse bariere, pot împiedica participarea deplină și eficientă la viața societății în condiții de egalitate cu celelate persoane. Scopul lucrării. Studierea particularităților medico-sociale a persoanelor cu dezabilități în Republica Moldova. Material si metode. Pentru efectuarea acestei lucrări științifice au fost revizuite sursele literare cu scop de a evidenția importanța cunoașterii problemelor persoanelor cu dizabilități. Ca material de studiu s-a utilizat literatură de specialitate, datele statistice a Departamentului de statistică din RM, persoane cu dizabilități, anuarul statistic ...
Abstract: People with disabilities experience significant difficulties in the process of f...
In this paper are mentioned statistical data on the phenomenon of disability among children in the R...
Problem and relevance. The main direction of the state social policy of the Republic of Belarus is s...
Introducere. Persoanele cu dizabilități reprezintă persoanele cu deficiențe fizice, mintale sau senz...
National Centre of Public Health, State Medical and Pharmaceutical University “Nicolae Testemitanu”...
Catedra de Economie, Management şi Psihopedagogie în medicină, USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”This artic...
Abstract: The social inclusion of people with disabilities is a current area of research. ...
Catedra Oftalmologie USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”The study describes and analyses the epidemiological ...
The aim of the article is to analyze the Early Intervention services for children with disabilities ...
Disability is seen as a person with physical, mental or intellectual impair-ments, which, in combina...
The occupational morbidity and disability phenomena are current problems of society, these are a maj...
CIDSR, Catedra Obstetrică şi Ginecologie nr. 1, Catedra Obstetrică şi Ginecologie, nr. 2, Catedra Me...
The abstract analyzes bibliographic sources in order to identify the key elements that significantl...
Nicolae Testemitanu Social medicine and health management Department, Nicolae Testemitanu State Un...
This study starts from the analysis of the implementation of social policies for people with disabil...
Abstract: People with disabilities experience significant difficulties in the process of f...
In this paper are mentioned statistical data on the phenomenon of disability among children in the R...
Problem and relevance. The main direction of the state social policy of the Republic of Belarus is s...
Introducere. Persoanele cu dizabilități reprezintă persoanele cu deficiențe fizice, mintale sau senz...
National Centre of Public Health, State Medical and Pharmaceutical University “Nicolae Testemitanu”...
Catedra de Economie, Management şi Psihopedagogie în medicină, USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”This artic...
Abstract: The social inclusion of people with disabilities is a current area of research. ...
Catedra Oftalmologie USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”The study describes and analyses the epidemiological ...
The aim of the article is to analyze the Early Intervention services for children with disabilities ...
Disability is seen as a person with physical, mental or intellectual impair-ments, which, in combina...
The occupational morbidity and disability phenomena are current problems of society, these are a maj...
CIDSR, Catedra Obstetrică şi Ginecologie nr. 1, Catedra Obstetrică şi Ginecologie, nr. 2, Catedra Me...
The abstract analyzes bibliographic sources in order to identify the key elements that significantl...
Nicolae Testemitanu Social medicine and health management Department, Nicolae Testemitanu State Un...
This study starts from the analysis of the implementation of social policies for people with disabil...
Abstract: People with disabilities experience significant difficulties in the process of f...
In this paper are mentioned statistical data on the phenomenon of disability among children in the R...
Problem and relevance. The main direction of the state social policy of the Republic of Belarus is s...