And now my dear friends we\u27re taking up the study, of the Book of Revelation in chapter 12. We\u27re not hurrying through this because, this is one book that ya cannot, hurry through, at all. Ah yesterday, I called your attention to the fact, ah, that, in, chapter 12, and, ah, the chapters following, that we\u27ll [be] account of how God, is going to wind up things preparatory to the great event, of chapter 19. When you have a little time, just turn to chapter 19 and see the, marvelous description, of the unveiling of the Lord Jesus Christ. Now that, will, be, the, Revelation, of the Lord Jesus Christ when God is going, ah, to send him back as King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. Now, in, chapter 12, he is introducing to us the great actors...