We present a systematic analysis of the phase lags associated with the type-C quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) in GRS 1915+105 using RXTE data. Our sample comprises 620 RXTE observations with type-C QPOs ranging from ∼0.4 to ∼6.3 Hz. Based on our analysis, we confirm that the QPO phase lags decrease with QPO frequency, and change sign from positive to negative at a QPO frequency of ∼2 Hz. In addition, we find that the slope of this relation is significantly different between QPOs below and above 2 Hz. The relation between the QPO lags and QPO rms can be well fitted with a broken line: as the QPO lags go from negative to positive, the QPO rms first increases, reaching its maximum at around zero lag, and then decreases. The phase-lag behavi...