Noise specifications for junction field-effect transistors are presented in different ways depending on the particular semiconductor manufacturer. Arithmetic involved in converting these specifications to equivalent RMS noise in microvolts developed at the preamplifier input terminal is reviewed. These methods were useful for estimating the noise performance of high input impedance preamplifiers used with E-field antennas operating in the range of 1 KHz to 10 MHz. Both the JFET MPF-102 transistor and the COS/MOS CA3600 transistor array provided amplification for VLF receivers where the internally generated noise was well below the atmospheric noise level. The CA3600 transistor array provided better performance because of the more symmetrica...
Amplifiers are widely used in signal receiving circuits, such as antennas, medical imaging, wireless...
The objective of this work is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the small-signal and broadband ...
Some results are presented for optimum noise performance of transistor input stages when fed from re...
The limitations of different E-field antenna coupler or preamplifier circuits are presented. All cir...
A modified high impedance preamplifier circuit which provides outputs to drive an Omega-VLF receiver...
A preamplifier design is presented which is based on a common-drain JFET input. The midband noise pe...
Measurement results are presented from 0.1 Hz to 100 kHz of 1/f and thermal noise in different n-JFE...
Minimizing electrical noise is an increasingly important topic. New systems and modulation technique...
Field-effect transistors, with their high impedance and low noise, can effectively measure very low ...
In this paper a study of the noise performance of electret microphone systems as a part of hearing a...
Several matters related to noise design for preamplifiers are presented for very low frequencies, al...
A broadband ground gate amplifier was designed, fabricated and characterized. Noise parameters of th...
Solid state low noise preamplifier for particle detector of electrostatic accelerator syste
A modular design of preamplifier for low frequency noise measurements with interchangeable first sta...
The single common-emiter transistor amplifier fed from a resistive source exhibits a minimum noise f...
Amplifiers are widely used in signal receiving circuits, such as antennas, medical imaging, wireless...
The objective of this work is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the small-signal and broadband ...
Some results are presented for optimum noise performance of transistor input stages when fed from re...
The limitations of different E-field antenna coupler or preamplifier circuits are presented. All cir...
A modified high impedance preamplifier circuit which provides outputs to drive an Omega-VLF receiver...
A preamplifier design is presented which is based on a common-drain JFET input. The midband noise pe...
Measurement results are presented from 0.1 Hz to 100 kHz of 1/f and thermal noise in different n-JFE...
Minimizing electrical noise is an increasingly important topic. New systems and modulation technique...
Field-effect transistors, with their high impedance and low noise, can effectively measure very low ...
In this paper a study of the noise performance of electret microphone systems as a part of hearing a...
Several matters related to noise design for preamplifiers are presented for very low frequencies, al...
A broadband ground gate amplifier was designed, fabricated and characterized. Noise parameters of th...
Solid state low noise preamplifier for particle detector of electrostatic accelerator syste
A modular design of preamplifier for low frequency noise measurements with interchangeable first sta...
The single common-emiter transistor amplifier fed from a resistive source exhibits a minimum noise f...
Amplifiers are widely used in signal receiving circuits, such as antennas, medical imaging, wireless...
The objective of this work is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the small-signal and broadband ...
Some results are presented for optimum noise performance of transistor input stages when fed from re...