The ESSOPE is a prototype front-end tool running on a Sun workstation and interfacing to ESOC's MSSS spacecraft control system for the exchange of telecommand requests (to MSSS) and telemetry reports (from MSSS). ESSOPE combines an operations Planner-Scheduler, with a Schedule Execution Control function. Using an internal 'model' of the spacecraft, the Planner generates a schedule based on utilization requests for a variety of payload services by a community of Olympus users, and incorporating certain housekeeping operations. Conflicts based on operational constraints are automatically resolved, by employing one of several available strategies. The schedule is passed to the execution function which drives MSSS to perform it. When the schedu...
For ambitious upcoming aerospace missions, autonomy will play a crucial role in achieving complex mi...
For most low orbiting earth observation satellite missions, the timeline is generated on- ground an...
An Expert System is described which Rockwell Satellite and Space Electronics Division (S&SED) is dev...
The Mission Analysis Division of the Systems Analysis and Integration Laboratory at the Marshall Spa...
Autonomous mission scheduling, a new concept for NASA ground data systems, is a decentralized and di...
In this paper we describe the use of our planning and scheduling framework, HSTS, to reduce the comp...
Request Generation II (ReGe II) is a PC-based prototype knowledge based system intented to assist US...
The University of Colorado's Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (CU/LASP) along with the G...
When reducing the operations costs of a satellite program, planning and scheduling are prime areas f...
Mission planning and scheduling of spacecraft operations are becoming more complex at NASA. Describe...
Space missions are characterized by long distances, difficult or unavailable communication and high ...
AGENDA will be the main tool used in running the SPOT 4 Earth Observation Satellite's Operational Co...
Various operational aspects of the Earth Radiation Budget Satellite (ERBS) Tracking and Data Relay S...
Several current NASA programs such as the EOSDIS Core System (ECS) have data processing and data man...
This report describes two complementary approaches to the problem of space mission planning and sche...
For ambitious upcoming aerospace missions, autonomy will play a crucial role in achieving complex mi...
For most low orbiting earth observation satellite missions, the timeline is generated on- ground an...
An Expert System is described which Rockwell Satellite and Space Electronics Division (S&SED) is dev...
The Mission Analysis Division of the Systems Analysis and Integration Laboratory at the Marshall Spa...
Autonomous mission scheduling, a new concept for NASA ground data systems, is a decentralized and di...
In this paper we describe the use of our planning and scheduling framework, HSTS, to reduce the comp...
Request Generation II (ReGe II) is a PC-based prototype knowledge based system intented to assist US...
The University of Colorado's Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (CU/LASP) along with the G...
When reducing the operations costs of a satellite program, planning and scheduling are prime areas f...
Mission planning and scheduling of spacecraft operations are becoming more complex at NASA. Describe...
Space missions are characterized by long distances, difficult or unavailable communication and high ...
AGENDA will be the main tool used in running the SPOT 4 Earth Observation Satellite's Operational Co...
Various operational aspects of the Earth Radiation Budget Satellite (ERBS) Tracking and Data Relay S...
Several current NASA programs such as the EOSDIS Core System (ECS) have data processing and data man...
This report describes two complementary approaches to the problem of space mission planning and sche...
For ambitious upcoming aerospace missions, autonomy will play a crucial role in achieving complex mi...
For most low orbiting earth observation satellite missions, the timeline is generated on- ground an...
An Expert System is described which Rockwell Satellite and Space Electronics Division (S&SED) is dev...