分子内Stable Isotope Probing 法とは,特定の部位を人工的に同位体標識した基質(ブドウ糖など)を用いて,その同位体標識の移動を,単一の生物体内,生物群集内,または海底の堆積場で追跡することで,試料中で起きている代謝合成経路の可視化や,生化学反応の特定を行う手法である.この手法は,近年,ガスクロクロマトグラフ-質量分析計(GC-MS)と質量のキャリブレーション用のソフトウェアMassWorks の組み合わせにより,大きく発展した.本稿では,この手法の原理について解説する.MassWorks is an acquisition software that works on the mass spectra of conventional gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer, to determine stable isotope labels in organic compounds. The analysis of the isotope labels at the level of individual positions in organic compounds is potentially highly useful as a novel ‘Position-Specific Stable Isotope Probing’ to trace metabolic flow and associated function in diverse samples including single organisms and biotic community as well as sedimentary site. We re...
We present here the experimental setup and standardization of a newly acquired stable isotope ratio ...
Gas chromatography-isotope ratio mass spectrometry (GC-IRMS) has made it possible to analyze natural...
Методом хромато-масс-спектрометрии проведена идентификация примесей в силане природного и изотопно-о...
We describe a new high-resolution, multi-collector gas source mass spectrometer designed for isotopi...
Isotope tracer techniques are widely used in biological, agricultural, chemical and medical research...
本計畫利用在台大地質科學系已經設 立完成的稀有氣體質譜儀分析系統,加強 其氣體純化能力、增設固態樣品之氣體萃 取裝置、建立稀有氣體同位素標準氣體, 以達到降低分析背景值、減少樣品分析 量、增加分析數據...
Stable isotope methods are potentially quite useful for validating natural or enhanced mineral degra...
A Nier-type mass spectrometer and its associated electronic units have been constructed for the purp...
ABSTRACT- The continuous flow isotope ratio mass spectrometer (CF-IRMS) coupled with automated sampl...
Seston samples collected with Niskin bottles; 2 L filtered onto precombusted 25mm (Ø) GF/F filters. ...
Precise stable isotope natural abundance analysis of the elements of organic matter, yields a wealth...
We present here the experimental setup and standardization of a newly acquired stable isotope ratio ...
Gas chromatography-isotope ratio mass spectrometry (GC-IRMS) has made it possible to analyze natural...
Методом хромато-масс-спектрометрии проведена идентификация примесей в силане природного и изотопно-о...
We describe a new high-resolution, multi-collector gas source mass spectrometer designed for isotopi...
Isotope tracer techniques are widely used in biological, agricultural, chemical and medical research...
本計畫利用在台大地質科學系已經設 立完成的稀有氣體質譜儀分析系統,加強 其氣體純化能力、增設固態樣品之氣體萃 取裝置、建立稀有氣體同位素標準氣體, 以達到降低分析背景值、減少樣品分析 量、增加分析數據...
Stable isotope methods are potentially quite useful for validating natural or enhanced mineral degra...
A Nier-type mass spectrometer and its associated electronic units have been constructed for the purp...
ABSTRACT- The continuous flow isotope ratio mass spectrometer (CF-IRMS) coupled with automated sampl...
Seston samples collected with Niskin bottles; 2 L filtered onto precombusted 25mm (Ø) GF/F filters. ...
Precise stable isotope natural abundance analysis of the elements of organic matter, yields a wealth...
We present here the experimental setup and standardization of a newly acquired stable isotope ratio ...
Gas chromatography-isotope ratio mass spectrometry (GC-IRMS) has made it possible to analyze natural...