Silicon (Si), although not traditionally the material of choice for RF and microwave applications, has become a serious challenger to other semiconductor technologies for high-frequency applications. Fine-line electron- beam and photolithographic techniques are now capable of fabricating silicon gate sizes as small as 0.1 micron while commonly-available high-resistivity silicon wafers support low-loss microwave transmission lines. These advances, coupled with the recent development of silicon-germanium (SiGe), arm silicon integrated circuits (ICs) with the speed required for increasingly higher-frequency applications
Attenuation and epsilon(sub eff) of Coplanar Waveguide (CPW) transmission lines were measured on Sil...
High-resistivity polycrystalline silicon (HRPS) is presented as a novel low-cost and low-loss subst...
AbstractIBM Microelectronics reckons that its 120 GHz SiGe heterojunction bipolar transistors can be...
Future NASA, DOD, and commercial products will require electronic circuits that have greater functio...
Conventional silicon wafers have low resistivity and consequently unacceptably high value of dielect...
Performance of RF integrated circuit (IC) is directly linked to the analog and high frequency charac...
Silicon offers a new set of possibilities and challenges for RF, microwave, and millimeter-wave appl...
This last decade silicon-on-insulator (SOI) MOS-FET technology has demonstrated its potentialities f...
A complete fabrication process has been developed for the realisation of Si/SiGe microwave integrate...
Performances of RF and millimeter wave integrated circuits are directly linked to the analog and hig...
Escalating demands for personal wireless communication equipment have spearheaded development of aff...
AbstractAtmel describes a new SiGe RF technology which includes three types of npn transistors on on...
AbstractAs silicon-germanium heterojunction bipolar transistors continue to break speed records, inc...
Millimeter-waves offer promising opportunities and interesting challenges to silicon integrated circ...
Materials suitable for use as monolithic substrates are summarized. A study of the properties of sil...
Attenuation and epsilon(sub eff) of Coplanar Waveguide (CPW) transmission lines were measured on Sil...
High-resistivity polycrystalline silicon (HRPS) is presented as a novel low-cost and low-loss subst...
AbstractIBM Microelectronics reckons that its 120 GHz SiGe heterojunction bipolar transistors can be...
Future NASA, DOD, and commercial products will require electronic circuits that have greater functio...
Conventional silicon wafers have low resistivity and consequently unacceptably high value of dielect...
Performance of RF integrated circuit (IC) is directly linked to the analog and high frequency charac...
Silicon offers a new set of possibilities and challenges for RF, microwave, and millimeter-wave appl...
This last decade silicon-on-insulator (SOI) MOS-FET technology has demonstrated its potentialities f...
A complete fabrication process has been developed for the realisation of Si/SiGe microwave integrate...
Performances of RF and millimeter wave integrated circuits are directly linked to the analog and hig...
Escalating demands for personal wireless communication equipment have spearheaded development of aff...
AbstractAtmel describes a new SiGe RF technology which includes three types of npn transistors on on...
AbstractAs silicon-germanium heterojunction bipolar transistors continue to break speed records, inc...
Millimeter-waves offer promising opportunities and interesting challenges to silicon integrated circ...
Materials suitable for use as monolithic substrates are summarized. A study of the properties of sil...
Attenuation and epsilon(sub eff) of Coplanar Waveguide (CPW) transmission lines were measured on Sil...
High-resistivity polycrystalline silicon (HRPS) is presented as a novel low-cost and low-loss subst...
AbstractIBM Microelectronics reckons that its 120 GHz SiGe heterojunction bipolar transistors can be...