Daggett, Cal. May 24 -Dear Papa -I received your letter enclosing the two money orders - thank you. This is a grand warm morning, 90° now & by noon it will be higher so Im feeling well. Unfortunately Wanda dont enjoy it as much as I do but she is steadily getting better I think. But your plan for her to stay on the desert several months wont work. She is so different from me & cant enjoy just [living?] as I do, & then too while she feels something of the desert\u27s fasination she dont love it as I do. Where I could learn to live content & care-free & be just a little girl Wanda wouldnt be happy - she cant help it - she\u27s simply different. And then she is leaving her two boys - the big one & the little one. We\u27re having a good visit n...