Univerzita Karlova v Praze Pedagogická fakulta Mystifikace ve výtvarné výchově/Skutečnost a fikce Anna Daňhelková Katedra výtvarné výchovy Pedf UK Vedoucí diplomové práce: doc. ak. mal. Ivan Špirk Studijní program: Učitelství pro základní školy, I. ST 2019 ABSTRACT: The diploma thesis is focused on mystification in literary and visual arts, and on the use of this topic in art education at primary school. At the same time, the thesis deals with the concept of art and also with interdisciplinary relations. The aim of the thesis is to create an art work composed of fictitious artefacts that make a record of a foreign trip. Furthermore, the work of art is linked to the lessons of art education. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to introduce...